Various opportunities are available with this refurbishment and fit out Main Contractor based in Baldock, North Hertfordshire. Their coverage area is from the city of London up the A1 Corridor to Peterborough. Their main contract areas are North London and the surrounding 3 counties. A wide variety of work is on offer at all times. Fit-out, Refurbishment & New-Build across Commercial, Education, Leisure & Hospitality, Heritage and Industrial Sectors.They require Multi Trade Operatives, Partitioners, Carpenters, Ceiling Fixers, Decorators and General Builders. All the contractors that work for them must be polite and professional at all times as they work in many public environments. They expect that everyone will be clean and presentable and have the ability to communicate effectively with other team members on site and with management.They are looking for contractors to undertake work on many of their projects and at present they are looking for:
1. Fully Skilled Multi Trade Operative - To undertake all types of internal and external commercial refurbishment.
2. Partitioners - Must understand all types of metal stud and track and also traditional timber stud. Knowledge of different types of systems will be an advantage (Komfort, Tenon etc).
3. Carpenters - Mostly 2nd fix work although some 1st fix is required. All their installations are undertaken to a very high standard.
4. Ceiling Fixers - Must have knowledge of all types of ...