The job holder will be responsible for managing a number of work area(s) within the Offender Management Function and aspects of Public Protection for the establishment. As a member of the senior management team, they will contribute and implement their functions objectives as defined in the establishment's business plan.
Overview of the job
This is a functional management job within an establishment.
The job holder will be responsible for managing a number of work area(s) within the Offender Management Function and aspects of Public Protection for the establishment. As a member of the senior management team, they will contribute and implement their Functions objectives as defined in the establishment’s business plan. This is either an operational or non-operational job with line management responsibilities.
Responsibilities, Activities and Duties
The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities and duties:
Ensure all managers and staff within the Function provide a respectful, safe decent environment for all prisoners and staff
Accountable for the performance of the Function and the staff within it. Manage the achievement of qualitative and quantative standards, including Service Delivery Indicators (SDI’s) within the Function verifying and signing off documentation as appropriate. Analyses and acts upon data which is relevant to their Function
Accountable for the administration of all offender management systems and processes. This Includes:
Public protection Manual
Violent Sex Offender Register (VISOR)
Prisoners who present a Risk to Children
Prisoners disqualified from working with Children.
Safer Guarding
Prisoners subject to Harassment Procedures
Specified processes relating to
Prolific Priority Offender (PPOs)
Indeterminate Sentenced Prisoners
Foreign National Offenders
Recall Prisoners
Offender Management processes such as
Offender management administration hub
Sequencing of the prisoners sentence.
Key worker allocation process.
Establishing a Rehabilative culture across the establishment.
• Accountable for the timely completion and submission of parole reports and dossiers.
• Accountable for managing Parole hearings including via video link.
• Responsible for initiating MALRAP meetings within the agreed times lines and that minutes are taken of the meeting.
• Accountable for the Management of the Custodial sentence specification
• Accountable for countersigning and approving 14 and 2 day calculation checks.
• Chair Release On Temporary Licence (ROTL) and Home Detention Curfew (HDC) boards in conjunction with the Head of OM Delivery.
• Accountable for the recall process
• Accountable for the categorisation and allocation process
• Responsible for putting in place monitoring systems to ensure the fairness and consistency of categorisation and allocation decisions and provide an assurance of quality control i.e. ensure that random sampling of completed forms is carried out to ensure that consistency and fairness is maintained.
• Accountable for liaison with Courts and organising video court appearances.
• Accountable for the secure storage of all records.
• Ensure Category A procedures are adhered to
• • Dependant on operational experience will undertake some or all other management tasks including:
• Act as the Governor's representative by chairing adjudications and taking charge of day-to-day establishment operations as Duty Governor
• Promote Prison Service policy in all activities and behaviours e.g. promote diversity, decency, safety and reducing re-offending agendas
• Review open Assessment Care in Custody teamwork (ACCT) as and when required in line with audit baselines
• Provide leadership and management of the Function. Will have the skills to apply all Human Resources (HR) related policies and practices and be able to carry out all aspects of people management such as Attendance Management, Disciplinary Investigations, Performance Management and Staff Appraisals
• Manage Prisoners Complaints Process within the Function
• Responsible for ensuring all litigation claims relevant to the area have been dealt with in accordance with policy
• Oversee the compilation and regular progress reporting of performance improvement programmes
• Manage the appropriate authorisation of Financial Compliance Statements
• Manage devolved budgets in accordance with the financial procedures outlined in the budget delegation
• Ensure that the Function produces and analyses audit and establishment performance management information identifying variances and areas requiring improvements
• Contribute to the establishment’s overall achievement of (SDIs) and standards and be accountable for the performance and delivery of targets relating to the budget; People Plan for the Function.
• Accountable for all local and national policies relating to the Function, and ensure procedures implemented are compliant, including the development of new policies
• Contribute to the development and delivery of the medium-to-long term strategic and business plan for the establishment, with overall responsibility for implementation within their Function
• Attend relevant boards/meetings and actively contribute either as chair or team member
• Responsible for ensuring the defined work areas and associated activities comply with Health and Safety legislation. Ensure all risk assessments are undertaken and staff are made aware of their personal responsibility towards Health and Safety compliance
• Work collaboratively and provide constructive challenge to colleagues to ensure that their own and other Functions are joined up and together
contribute towards the overall delivery of the establishment’s performance