The primary immunisation programme represents a key public health measure which contributes to the reduction of health inequalities and to the achievement of national and local health objectives through the focus on prevention care for school aged children. The post holder will support with improving the uptake rate and safe delivery of a large scale immunisation programme within community and educational settings contributing towards the public health agenda by improving health outcomes for children and young people. To support the Lead Nurse-Immunisation Team in the delivery of the School aged Public health England immunisation programme across Northumbria Healthcare Trust. To participate in clinical area evaluation, supporting the constant evolution of the school aged child immunisation programme Responsible for ensuring appropriate client safety and that clinical governance indicators and measures are in place in accordance with organisational strategy, policies and procedures. To provide support for children, young people and their families to enable them to access the immunisation programme through informed consent for vaccination. To liaise with partner agencies to ensure effective and efficient delivery of the immunisation programme by meeting the needs of all client groups; e.g. schools, both mainstream and special schools, home educated children and GPs.