KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED - Extensive experience of working in the NHS and substantial experience of the full range of inpatient and outpatient administration. - Information technology to an advanced level - Education to A-Level or equivalent experience - Completion of or working towards a Certificate in Management - Knowledge of service improvement tools and techniques including, process mapping, capacity and demand analysis, patient flow and PDSA methodology. - Substantial experience of working with a wide range of clinical and non-clinical staff and being able to secure their engagement in change and service improvement - Involvement in service improvement initiatives ability to negotiate at different levels both within and outside the organisation - Ability to work to tight timescales - Ability to produce service development reports and associated documentation. KEY RESULT AREAS - To support the General Management Team to achieve an 18 week maximum wait, Cancer and Diagnostic targets - To provide front line day to day management of teams - To ensure that appropriate management systems are in place to provide accurate validated data quality. Providing advice, support, leadership and decision making for daily issues within these areas. - To assist General Management Team in the development of business cases - To assist the General Management Team in implementation of business cases, particularly with regards to recruitment of clerical staff. - To assist in achieving and maintaining the delivery of national and local access targets relating to outpatient waiting times. To analyse complex and conflicting data from multiple sources. - To redesign, develop and implement new processes within the Trust to improve patient pathways, access and quality of care. - To use verbal and non-verbal communication skills to communicate service related information and proposals to a wide range of personnel. This will involve issues which may be contentious and conflict with expectations of senior medical staff and require sensitivity. This will involve negotiation persuasion and education in order to gain co-operation as there may be significant barriers to change - To manage and supervise on a day to day basis all administration and clerical staff to ensure the smother running of the departments, on both sites. - To run weekly missing attendance, outcomes reports to ensure all information has captured. - To monitor sickness leave for the administration team staff PERFORMANCE & TARGETS - Collate and analyse complex data, contribute to and monitor plans to achieve all relevant waiting times targets. - Consider proactively, best practice arrangements which would support modernisation of services where this will have an impact on numbers waiting and / or waiting times and take steps to identify requirements for appropriate action in these cases. - Implementing arrangements to audit progress against targets to ensure daily compliance with guarantees. - Responsible for production of activity reports for DGM/GM on a weekly or monthly basis depending on level of reporting required. - Lead, plan and negotiate with DGM, GM & Clinical leads to ensure full utilisation of capacity. IMPROVEMENT - Develop the role by using best practice and continuously improve own knowledge and knowledge base of all staff. - Develop improvements to the management of the waiting lists e.g. through monitoring, analysing and reporting on cancellations/DNAs across all sites and formulate plans to ensure improvement/reduction. - Formulate planning strategies to further the development of future service provision. - Monitor and evaluate future capacity/resources against demand and where demand outstrips capacity develop and lead on securing additional capacity and ensure patient pathways are in place to access this capacity. COMMUNICATIONS AND WORKING RELATIONSHIPS - Service Line Directors, Clinical Leads, Consultant Physicians, Department Heads and their teams - Operational general managers for clinical and support areas ( including admin & clerical, health records, booking services, procurement, information, contracting) - Divisional Directors - General Practitioners, CCG Service Development teams - Medical staffing, Information Analysts, Finance staff - Booking Offices, Admission Teams, Medical Secretaries - Patients and their Carers, Patient Representatives - Complaints, PALS, Risk and Clinical Governance Teams PHYSICAL EFFORT AND WORKING CONDITIONS - Long periods of concentration in meetings or working at a PC - Dealing with mentally and emotionally stressful situations involving conflict between parties. Occasionally subject to verbally threatening behaviour - Hot desking MOST CHALLENGING PART OF ROLE - Balancing the need to deliver the Trusts financial and service plans, whilst balancing the need to put patient priorities and the quality of care first - Complexity of issues within and between departments, across sites and the health community - Assisting the management of, and reacting to, an unpredictable workload with constantly changing priorities, whilst being involved in longer term strategic planning, change and development - Assisting the management of a large diverse group of personnel across a number of sites and philosophies, breaking down the barriers to communication and developing new ways of working - Performance management of access targets and data quality - To develop innovative, practical and responsive services which ensure processes are modernised and developed in line with national priorities and the needs of local people. Contact Details If you require more information then please contact; Emma Jelfs (Deputy General Manager) 0300 422 6451 or 07929100348