Job responsibilities The Adult ICU at the Royal Derby Hospitals a new, customised PFI build with 20 beds rated Good in a recent CQC report. We admit over 1200 patients per year with a 60:40 split of medical to surgical admissions, 90 % of these being emergency admissions. We are a busy general ICU. The hospital provides a tertiary support service for hepatic and renal patients and in addition offers primary coronary angioplasty. We have a purpose built ICU with state of the art ultrasound, echo and imaging hardware and software. We are accredited for advanced training in Intensive Care medicine. We introduced point of care echocardiography into our ICU 7 years ago and have developed a comprehensive echo service for our unit. We have two echo machines on the unit with TOE and TTE capability. In addition we have Echo PACS available on the unit to review all existing scans. We have a TTE and TOE high fidelity simulator that we use for staff training and to help deliver our nationally advertised ICU echocardiography course. ICU consultants will have office space on the unit and there is shared secretarial support.