An Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is an experienced and highly trained Registered Professional who manages the complete clinical care for their patient. Advanced practice is a level of practice, rather than a type or speciality of practice. ANPs are educated at Masters Level in advanced practice and are assessed as competent in this level of practice. As a clinical leader they have the freedom and authority to act and accept the responsibility and accountability for those actions. This level of practice is characterised by high level autonomous decision making, including assessment, diagnosis, treatment including prescribing, of patients with complex multi-dimensional problems. Decisions are made using high level expert, knowledge and skills. This includes the authority to refer, admit and discharge within appropriate clinical areas.
NHS Dumfries & Galloway Out of Hours Service is seeking to recruit competent and confident qualified Advanced Nurse Practitioners who meet the person specification and are keen and motivated to work in this role in the Out of Hours Service, based in Dumfries.
You will play a key part in the new Hub and Spoke Model working with and supported by other ANP's, General Practitioners and Allied Health Professionals. The use of technology is key to this development. It is essential you have experience working in a GP Practice or within the Community setting. You should be competent in both telephone triage, NHS Near Me and undertaking home visits.
We are a relatively small team and will be expected to cover shifts weekdays evening, overnight and during the weekends. We are looking for someone who has a flexible approach to work and is hard working.