To assist the Registered Clinicians to care for the patient to ensure their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs are met To perform and accurately record clinical observations as required and report changes to the Registered Clinician immediately To be responsible for ensuring own infection control practice is in line with Trust Infection Control policies, including approved hand-washing technique. To challenge those not following recognise infection control procedures when witnessed. To ensure that all communication and care provision maintains the dignity and respect of all patients and their carers/relatives To communicate effectively with patients, carers, visitors and other staff members at all times To promote high standards of hygiene, cleanliness and safety within the ward/department environment To answer the telephone appropriately and refer callers onto the appropriate member of staff as necessary To assist the wider MDT with clinical procedures, acting as a chaperone if necessary To accurately complete documentation e.g. fluid, food and observation charts & report as required To report any clinical incidences to the Registered Clinician immediately &complete incident form as appropriate To be responsible for the quality of data recorded. The data should be accurate, legible (if hand written), recorded in a timely manner, kept up to date and appropriately filed. Deal with external and internal queries. This may include providing complex or sensitive non clinical information or advice to patients or relatives. Pass on messages as appropriate to the relevant person in a timely way. Use initiative to deal with routine and some non-routine problems that may arise, and only exceptionally refer more complex issues to the appropriate person. Responsible for the maintenance of accurate data on hospital systems as appropriate. Give guidance, support and empathetic approach to any complaints or concerns raised and liaise with the relevant manager To actively participate in the development of improvements for the service. Incorporate new practices to Work to standing operating procedures and departmental guidelines. Ensure any information is accurate and up to date before sharing internally or externally Support the team in gathering any data for audit research purposes. For full details of the responsibilities and duties of this role please see the attached job description