North Lincolnshire Council is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance, and our Audit Committee is a key part of ensuring that we meet those standards. The Council is currently looking to appoint an independent co-opted member of the Committee, to become a part of its work in promoting excellence in governance, risk management, financial reporting and counter fraud.
As an Independent Member, the successful applicant would be expected to actively participate in meetings of the Audit Committee and demonstrate independence, integrity, objectivity and impartiality in their decision-making. As part of this rewarding role, they will support the Council’s Audit Committee in providing independent assurance to the members of North Lincolnshire Council, and its wider citizens and stakeholders.
Independent Members are non-voting members of the Committee, who assist in overseeing internal and external audit arrangements, reviewing and scrutinising financial statements, and reviewing and assessing the governance, risk management and control of the authority.
The terms of reference for the Audit Committee can be found in the Council’s Constitution which is published on our website. The appointment is for four years, co-terminus with elected members term of office. Co-opted independent members will receive an allowance of £45 per meeting and are entitled to claim for reasonable travelling and subsistence expenses in undertaking their role.
Successful candidates will be expected to attend approximately five Committee meetings per year, which take place at the council offices, Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, Scunthorpe. They will also need to commit sufficient time to read Committee papers in advance of these meetings, liaise with the Chair and to undertake occasional training alongside the other Committee members.