Deputy Chief Commissioner – Charity Commission Northern Ireland
About the Role
As the independent regulator of charities in Northern Ireland, the Commission plays a key role in their development. The charity sector supports and provides vital services to the people of Northern Ireland, with charities ranging from small local groups to those that operate nationally and internationally.
The Deputy Chief Commissioner contributes significantly to the charitable sector, enabling charities to meet their legal and regulatory obligations and ensuring that they retain public confidence. This position also assists the Board in its corporate responsibilities and will help drive forward change arising out of the Independent Review of Charity Regulation.
The position attracts remuneration of £3,743 per annum for a commitment of two days per month. However, an interim arrangement is in place until 31 March 2024, whereby the Deputy Chief Commissioner can claim up to an additional half day per month.
Applications are welcome from a wide range of people who have an interest in public service, including those who are looking for an opportunity to use their skills and experience. We particularly welcome applications from women, people with a disability, young people, and people from minority ethnic groups for these positions. A Guaranteed Interview Scheme is in place for those applicants with a disability.
The closing date is 12 noon on Monday 19 February 2024. Late applications will not be considered.
How to Apply
As hybrid working is currently in place, the office is not manned at all times, so we request that you please send your completed forms via e-mail. If you wish to either post or hand-deliver them, please advise the Department via the above e-mail address in advance or call (028) 90 819 417.
The office address is:
Public Appointments
Governance Unit
Department for Communities
Level 5
NINE Lanyon Place