Hours: 26 Hours per week
Salary: £16,403.24 per annum
Based at: Wrexham - Covering Wrexham and Flintshire
Role Purpose
Caniad is a North Wales substance misuse and mental health service user and carer involvement project hosted by Adferiad. The postholder will be responsible for offering support within substance misuse services across Wrexham and Flintshire. To work as part of a team to facilitate involvement opportunities and bring together a range of people who have recent experience of substance misuse services.
The project will identify involvement opportunities, facilitate attendance at meetings, forums, and events, recruit new members, support provision of relevant training and IT support, reimburse expenses and administer the project’s time banking scheme.
To work with individuals who use co-occurring mental health and/or substance misuse services to facilitate a range of mechanisms to share their views and experiences and contribute towards the planning, design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the services they receive.
How To Complete An Application Form
The planned interview date for this role is 27/01/2025.
If you think you might have these skills, but are not 100% sure, please do still apply and let us decide. We know that certain groups rule themselves out of interesting opportunities assuming that others will be more successful, but please don't be that person. We want to hear from the widest cross section of the community.
If you have difficulty accessing this information or would like it in a different format, please contact our recruitment team at recruitment@adferiad.org or 01792 816600.