DUTIES OF THE POST: Principal Responsibilities: In the Emergency Department, the Clinical Fellow will be responsible for the initial assessment and management of unselected acutely ill and injured patients. He/she/they will help to train and supervise more junior doctors (GP trainees and FY2 doctors). He/she/they will assist with clinical administration, for example, checking X-ray reports, corresponding with patients and their general practitioners. He/she/they will have opportunities to participate in the departments Clinical Governance activities, including departmental audit, and national audits required by the Healthcare Commission. He/she/they will also be expected to attend departmental teaching sessions. He/she/they will be responsible for keeping his/her/their resuscitation training up to date. The division of responsibilities between sites will be discussed at interview and arrangements made clear in writing prior to appointment. Factors to be considered will be the preferences of the applicant, their training needs and skill sets, and the needs of the service in so far as they can be foreseen. Work Commitment As per rota. For full time registrars based at the John Radcliffe: 40 hours per week (before subtraction of leave entitlement); Approximately three weekends in nine weeks; Approximately seven nights in nine weeks; Approximately one third to one half of shifts will be worked at the Horton Hospital.