JOB ROLE PROFILE AND PERSON SPECIFICATION Post Title and Number: Principal Planning Officer Present Grade: MM1 Dept: Environment Service/Section/Team: Planning & Environmental Protection / Development Management / Planning Decisions Team Reports to (title): Planning Decisions Manager Purpose of the Role: To take a lead role for the Council, in its role as Local Planning Authority, with its statutory duties in respect of the control of development by:- 1. To manage and motivate a planning application team created in association with a specific area or site specific planning and regeneration projects or programmes and ensure compliance with performance targets 2. Taking decisions for the Council under the Assistant Director’s delegated powers in respect of determining planning applications for up to 10 residential units and 1000sq.m of commercial development, householder planning applications, applications for Certificates of Lawful Development, vehicular accesses, shop fronts, shop advertisements and applications for works to trees, or such other applications as may be required by the Assistant Director. 3. Manage a team to meet the objectives of the Planning Decisions Team Service in maintaining, regenerating and improving the environment of the Borough by the implementation of the Council's Unitary Development Plan, the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework, the Mayor’s London Plan and other, planning policies. 4. Direct a team of planning officers in meeting the objectives of the Planning Decisions team in providing an efficient, effective and good value service. Dimensions including Structure Chart: 1. Annual budgetary amounts with which the role is either directly or indirectly concerned: None 2. Structure Chart: - see attached 3. Number of direct reports: Normally responsible for the management of a team of two officers and direct the overall management of the work of the Area Team including work allocation, supervision and monitoring of workloads to ensure the achievement of targeted performance within the team whilst at the same time balancing the often conflicting priorities of dealing with and leading on major development proposals and other corporate projects (see above structure) 4. Nature of reporting relationship between post holder and line manager The post holder would report directly to the Planning Manager and in turn to the Head of Development Management. The Post holder does have delegated powers to sign off planning or other approvals without the authorisation of the Planning Manager in accordance with the adopted scheme of delegation 5. Any other relevant statistics - None Key Accountabilities: Insert the most important and frequent accountabilities first. (You are not restricted to eight accountabilities) Accountabilities Percentage of Time (%) 1. Taking decisions for the Council under the Assistant Director’s delegated powers, as outlined at point 3 of section 1 above including authorising refusal on Lawful development certificates, householder applications, advertisement consent or any other applications directed by the Planning Decisions Manager and/or Head of Development Management 10 2. To assess all type of planning and associated applications including site visits, consultation, negotiation, written report and negotiation, to agreed timescales and in particular, to take a lead role in processing major planning application in the specific area including dealing with negotiations on behalf of the Local Planning Authority and preparing reports 50 3. Provide direction, training and management to a team of two planning officers in their specific area and taking responsibility and accountability of all performance related issues within the area team 5 4. Advising enforcement officers to carry out any required action to regularise breaches of planning control 2 5. Responsible for acting as lead officer in multi disciplinary and cross functional development teams bringing forward major development schemes on behalf of the Council and external applicants ensuring seamless approach and delivery of projects to agreed deadlines 5 6. Provide expertise in all issues related to land use planning in their particular area which includes leading consultation with interested parties and incorporation of their views in the assessment process 5 7. Seek and manage consultancy input with applications 2 8. Negotiation of agreements under S.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act where appropriate to secure wider environmental and community benefit from development 2 9. Responsible for dealing with major planning appeals in their area and acting as the Council's expert witness at Public Inquiries, Informal Hearings and Court Hearings, particularly where complex planning issues require a high level of experience and expertise 5 10. Attending and supporting/deputising the Planning Decisions Manager and/or Head of Development Management role at Pre-Agenda, Briefing and Members Site Visit meetings and Planning Committee meetings as required advising on any planning issues arising from major development projects within their team. 2 11. Providing the Council’s expertise when giving pre-application advice to prospective developers and dealing with planning enquiries from agents, applicants and the public 2 12. Representing the Authority in external meetings, public inquiries and defending the Authority against cost applications as well as informing Councillors and MP’s on planning matters 2 13. Supporting the Planning Decisions Manager when dealing with formal correspondence on planning issues from MPs and Councillors. 1 14. Organising and monitoring of personal workload as well as team members workloads and adhering to agreed timescales and procedures 2 15. Maintain an up to date knowledge of planning practice legislation, policy and trends. 2 16. Any other duties reasonably requested by management 1 17. Carry out all accountabilities in compliance with the Council’s Policies and Procedures 1 Key Relationships (Internal and External): 1. Professional and administrative officers of the Environmental Services Groups and other Service Groups at all levels. 2. Councillors and MPs. 3. Members of the public including groups and associations. 4. Applicants and their agents. 5. Officers of government bodies and external organisations. 6. Legal advisors and members of the judiciary. 7. Officers of the Planning Inspectorate and Commission for Local Government. Equality and Diversity: The Council has a strong commitment to achieving equality in its service to the community and the employment of people and expects all employees to understand, comply with and promote its policies in their own work. Health and Safety: The post holder shall ensure that the duties of the post are undertaken with due regard to the Council’s Health and Safety Policy and to their personal responsibilities under the provisions of the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 and all other relevant subordinate legislation. For a more detailed definition of these responsibilities, refer to the current versions of the Corporate Health & Safety Policy, Group Safety Policy and employee information leaflet entitled "Health & Safety Policy; Guidance on Staff Health & Safety Responsibilities". Corporate Health and Safety Responsibilities All employees have personal responsibilities to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others. This means: 1. Understanding the hazards in the work they undertake; 2. Following safety rules and procedures; 3. Using work equipment, personal protective equipment, substances, and safety devices correctly; and 4. Working in accordance with the training provided and only undertaking tasks where appropriate training has been received. Employees shall co-operate with the Council by allowing it to comply with its duties towards them. This requires employees to: · take part in safety training and risk assessments and suggest ways of reducing risks; and · take part in emergency evacuation exercises. Employees shall report all accidents, ‘near miss’ incidents and work related ill health conditions to their manager/supervisor/team leader. Employees shall read the Corporate Health & Safety – Organisation Part B Policy to ascertain and understand their responsibilities as an employee, line manager, Assistant Director or Director of the Council. Information Security: In order to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Council information, including information provided by customers, partner organisations, and other third parties, where applicable, employees will comply with the Council’s Information Security Policy. Statement of Commitment to Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults through safer employment practice: Enfield Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. Safe recruitment of staff is central to this commitment, and the Council will ensure that its recruitment policies and practices are robust, and that selection procedures prevent unsuitable people from gaining access to children, young people and vulnerable adults. All staff employed to work with or on behalf of children and young people in the Council must be competent. All staff working with Children & Vulnerable Adults should be aware of, and share the commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults when applying for posts at Enfield Council. Page 1 of 8 Job Role Profile and Person Specification Published 18/10/2010 Revised 20/12/2010 PERSON SPECIFICATION Job Title: Principal Planning Officer Grade: MM1 Department: Development Management Team: Planning Decisions Team KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES (You are not restricted to 2 criteria for each category) HOW TESTED Application – A Test – T Interview – I Job Specifics – Skills, Experience and Competencies (In this section you should list between 4 and a maximum of 8 essential recruitment and selection criteria and 2 desirable criteria). The information you provide in this section will be used in the recruitment application process to assess the suitability of job applicants. Essential: 1. Ability to draw upon a sound understanding of planning knowledge and experience of planning matters and casework 2. Experience of dealing with more complex planning applications within a local authority or private sector environment together with an Ability to carry a complex workload and produce complex reports and appeal statements 3. Ability to lead and support individuals within the team and work as an individual showing appropriate initiative. 4. Capable of establishing and managing effective and positive relationships within the Council and wider community. 5. Ability to organise and prioritise a wide range of tasks with conflicting pressures for completion. 6. Experience of leading or handling the full range of planning and enforcement appeals including those determined by pubic inquiry 7. A good understanding of IT and back office systems 8. Capable of positively contributing to the Services interface with the public, customers and developers, promoting a commitment to public service and local democracy as well a positive professional and personal image. Desirable: 1. To be able to work under pressure and to manage organisational change in response to service needs 2. To have an understanding of financial considerations underpinning development finance and the provision of affordable housing and /or sustainable design and contribution. Knowledge 1. Good understanding of planning legislation 2. Experience dealing with more complex planning applications within a local authority or the private sector 3. Proven experience in dealing with planning appeals including public inquiries Qualification(s) 1. A planning or land use related degree and/or planning diploma 2. Member of the RTPI Other Special Requirements 1. Minimum 5 years relevant and recent post qualification experience in a similar working environment 2. Ability to attend meetings outside normal working hours e.g. Planning Committee, Community Forum meetings 3. Ability to deputise for the Planning Decisions Manager in advising the Planning Committee 4. Driving License If you want specific knowledge assessed to determine the suitability of a job applicant, or a specific qualification is required for the postholder to undertake the job role, or there is a special requirement that needs to be assessed, you must also include these requirements in the Job Specifics – Skills, Experience and Competencies section. To take a lead role for the Council, in its role as Local Planning Authority, with its statutory duties in respect of the control of development by:- 1. To manage and motivate a planning application team created in association with a specific area or site specific planning and regeneration projects or programs and ensure compliance with performance targets 2. Taking decisions for the Council under the Assistant Director’s delegated powers in respect of determining planning applications for up to 10 residential units and 1000sq.m of commercial development, householder planning applications, applications for Certificates of Lawful Development, vehicular accesses, shop fronts, shop advertisements and applications for works to trees, or such other applications as may be required by the Assistant Director. 3. Manage a team to meet the objectives of the Planning Decisions Team Service in maintaining, regenerating and improving the environment of the Borough by the implementation of the Council's Unitary Development Plan, the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework, the Mayor’s London Plan and other, planning policies. 4. Direct a team of planning officers in meeting the objectives of the Planning Decisions team in providing an efficient, effective and good value service.