Provide personalised support • Meet people on a one-to-one or group consultation basis, by phone, video conference, or face-to-face. • Give people time to tell their stories and focus on ‘what matters to the person’; • Build trust and respect with the person, providing non-judgemental and non-discriminatory support, respecting diversity and lifestyle choices; • Work from a strength-based approach focusing on a person’s assets; • Use a structured framework/model approach to coach individuals across a series of sessions to: identify what’s important to them; set personal goals and appropriate steps; build skills and confidence to achieve goals; and use problem-solving to work through challenges; • Work with the principles of self-management to actively support: shared decision making with healthcare professionals; effective engagement with personalised health and care plans; proactive engagement with self-management education and peer support; proactive engagement with social prescribing, connecting people to community-based activities which support their health and wellbeing; proactive engagement with individually sourced activities and support access to a care-coordinator and/or a personal health budget, where needed Gathering and Reporting Information Work sensitively with people, their families and carers to gather key information, enabling tracking of the impact of health coaching on their health and wellbeing; Encourage people, their families and carers to provide feedback and to share their stories about the impact of health coaching on their lives; Support referral organisations to provide appropriate information about the person they are referring. Provide appropriate feedback to referral agencies about the people they referred; Work closely within the multidisciplinary team and with GP practices within the PCN to ensure that the relevant SNOMED codes to record activity are inputted into clinical systems (as outlined in the Network Contract DES), adhering to data protection legislation and data sharing agreements. • Establish strong working relationships with GPs and practice teams and work collaboratively with other Health and Wellbeing Coaches, Care Coordinators and Social Prescribing Link Workers, supporting each other, respecting each other’s views and meeting regularly as a team; • Act as a champion for health coaching as a part of the PCN’s personalised care offer for patients and organisations • Demonstrate a flexible attitude and be prepared to carry out other duties as may be reasonably required from time to time within the general character of the post or the level of responsibility of the role, ensuring that work is delivered in a timely and effective manner; • Identify opportunities and gaps in the service - and review risks and issues that could impact on service delivery - and provide feedback to continually improve the service and contribute to business planning; • Contribute to the development of policies and plans relating to equality, diversity and health inequalities; • Work in accordance with the practices’ and PCN’s policies and procedures; • Contribute to the wider aims and objectives of the PCN to improve and support primary care. For a full job description please see the documentation attached