Job Title: Security and Car Parking Officer Band:2 Hrs: 0 Business Unit: Estates and facilities Department: Security Location: Security Office Warrington/Halton Responsible to: Security Operations Manager Accountable to : Head of Security Responsible for Supervising: Role Summary To provide a professional and effective Security Service tailored to meet the needs of Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. To maintain good order and prevent public disorder on all Trust sites. The protection of patients, staff, contractors and visitors against acts of violence, aggression and abuse. The protection of Trust property against loss, theft and damage. The protection of property belonging to patients, staff, visitors and contractors against loss, theft and damage Main Tasks and Responsibilities Communication Liaise with wards and departments and provide information and advice on a regular basis to ensure any security problems are dealt with in a prompt manner. Respond to telephone enquiries using job related experience. Provide first line liaison with the Police over security incidents. Use conflict resolution skills to deal with difficult patients and visitors, and aggressive and/or distressed people. To complete pocket note books to a recognised evidential standard for future investigative requirements To respond to any complaints received and action appropriately. To liaise with the Police as required including the submission of statements, preservation and correlation of any evidence that may be required Knowledge, Training and Experience Ensure that performance complies with Personnel Policies and procedures, Health and Safety and any departmental policies and procedures. Have a good working knowledge of current security work policies, procedures and practices in order to provide the best possible benefit to all service users. Must be competent in conflict resolution techniques and restrictive intervention procedures there is also the requirement for a basic knowledge of the law. To complete all mandatory training and undertake any other training and updates relevant to the post. Analytical/judgmental Skills Make decisions on a daily basis to identify the cause of security problems and ensure practical solutions are reached with the agreement and cooperation of staff. Carry out initial investigation of incidents and record findings, and contact the police if the situation warrants it. Planning and Organisational Responsible for the planning and organisation of own workload to meet service needs and priorities, often with regular interruptions, including crime prevention measures Ensuring all buildings/departments that are not in use are secured and alarmed. Physical Skills and Effort Skills for clinical holds due to the frequent requirement to restraint unruly patients/visitors for several long and/or short periods Requirement for regular patrols of Hospital site and Trust car parks as directed by the Security Operations Manager and Shift Supervisor Report incidents of unauthorised parking to the control room and/or the Carparking Manager, and assist in the tracking of owners should they be required to move their vehicle Escort lone workers or vulnerable staff where there is an identified risk and support lone workers in line with the Trusts lone working policy To investigate fire alarms and direct fire brigade on call out Basic keyboard skills and the use of radios Monitor Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) on all Trust sites, and maintain CCTV logs in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 To de-escalate incidents of disorder To protect staff, patients and visitors from acts of violence and aggression giving regard to their own safety Respond to Major Incident instigation in line with the Major Incident Policy The post holder will provide emergency response to incidents on all Trust premises Financial and Physical Resources Ensure security of cash collections from pay and display machines this can be up to a cash value of £3000. Maintain security of hospital site and ensure all departments are secure and alarmed, where required. To assist with the secure movement of cash, including money from vending machines, catering outlets, Fundraising and General Office To prevent the loss of property and carry out preliminary investigations into losses to the Trust, staff and patients Freedom to Act R Regularly works independently and on own initiative Conduct initial investigations of all security incidents. Monitor compliance of car parking regulations and issue warning notices as necessary. Mental Effort Concentration required when writing reports of serious incidents, frequently interrupted by emergency security incidents. To maintain records in respect of all lost and found property incidents occurring within the premises and to take action on such reports as directed. To maintain accurate written records of security incidents and complete the appropriate electronic incident forms, police witness statements and duty log Emotional Effort Regularly dealing with confrontational issues and dealing with violent and/or abuse visitors and patients Transfer of deceased patients to the Mortuary This job description outlines the current main responsibilities of the post. However the duties of the post may change and develop over time and this job description may, therefore be amended in consultation with the post holder. Trust Policies and Procedures The post holder is required to comply with Trust Policies, Procedures and Standards at all times. Confidentiality The post holder is required to maintain the confidentiality of information regarding patients, staff and other health service business in accordance with the Caldicott Guidelines and Data Protection Act and Childrens Act and all other relevant legislation as appropriate. Risk Management All staff have a responsibility to report any risks and clinical and non-clinical accidents and incidents promptly and co-operate with any investigations undertaken. Health and Safety All staff must be aware of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and must ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to maintain a safe environment for employees, patients and visitors to the Trust. Equal Opportunities The trust is positively committed to the promotion and management of diversity and equality of opportunity Conflicts Of Interest The Trust is responsible for ensuring the service provided for patients in its care meets the highest standards. Equally, it is responsible for ensuring that staff do not abuse their official position for personal gain or to benefit their family or friends. The Trust standing orders require employees to declare any interest, direct or indirect, with contracts involving the Local Health Community. Staff are not allowed to further their private interests in the course of their NHS duties. Appraisal and Statutory Training All newly appointed staff will receive an initial appraisal within 6 months of commencing in the post. Thereafter, appraisals will be conducted on an annual basis. The post holder will undertake all statutory and mandatory training as deemed necessary by the Trust Safeguarding Statement Warrington and Halton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people, and vulnerable adults by taking all reasonable steps to protect them from harm. All staff will receive appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out Infection Prevention and Control The prevention and appropriate management of infection is of paramount importance in the quality and safety of the care of patients, and to the safety of visitors and members of staff. It is the responsibility of all staff to be aware of, assess and minimise these risks and comply fully with Infection Prevention and Control Policies. The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (updated 2010), establishes a Code of Practice for the Prevention and Control of Health Care Associated Infections. It sets out criteria by which NHS managers ensure that patients are cared for in a clean environment where the risk of Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI) is kept as low as possible. Managers, Heads of Departments, Matrons and other Clinical Leaders are responsible for ensuring that: The necessary equipment and mechanisms are in place to support infection prevention. Health care workers are free of and are protected from exposure to communicable infections during the course of their work, and that all staff are suitably educated in the prevention and control of HCAI. Additional Information This post will be subject to an enhanced disclosure check with the Disclosure and Barring Service. For more information regarding the DBS please access the following web site, This job description will be reviewed during the annual appraisal. The employee shares with the employer responsibility to suggest alterations to the scope of duties to improve the working situation and to adapt to change and facilitate service improvement. Any changes to this role specification will be made in consultation with the post holder.