The Croft Preparatory School is an independent co-educational day school for children from 3 to 11 years old, situated in a beautiful 30-acre site, in the heart of the Warwickshire countryside, on the outskirts of Stratford upon Avon.
The 25-acres and 5 acre wood provides an extensive sports field and multiple outdoor learning areas with Forest School sessions incorporated into the curriculum for all Early Years and some Pre-Prep pupils. Class sizes are traditionally limited to 20 pupils.
An exciting opportunity to develop and foster the appropriate skills and abilities to enable the optimum development of children. This is a casual worker role as a Cover Teacher; in EYFS, KS1 or KS2. Ideally the successful candidate will be a confident practitioner in all primary key stages, as temporary cover may be required in any group. However if you are a specialist, for a specific key stage, we would still be interested in you applying to be part of our Supply List.
At The Croft we have a ‘small school attitude within a big school’. Our mission is to provide each child with academic challenge and the opportunity to succeed and develop a sense of self-worth, whilst nurturing a lifelong love of learning in a happy and secure environment. Here, every child is educated as an individual, and fully supported, to challenge themselves to fulfil their potential, adopting a Growth Mindset along the way. All of this is achieved through a wonderfully compassionate and motivational team, who deliver the highest standards of pastoral care and academic excellence.
A faculty structure of subject areas enable pupils to use their Creativity to extend their learning, challenging themselves and thinking ‘outside of the box’. These faculties lie at the heart of the unique forward thinking curriculum enabling opportunities in the Creative Arts, Emotional and Physical Development, Humanities, Languages and STEM. The all-encompassing experience helps pupils to achieve their lifetime goals with confidence and enthusiasm, becoming independent learners and embracing the challenges that pupils of today will face tomorrow.