House Lead Teacher
Required for a 11-19 specialist SEND provision within the Swindon area. The school caters for children and young people with severe or profound learning difficulties, including Autistic Spectrum Condition. This is an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic and self-motivated teacher to undertake a Middle Leader role.
About the role:
* A permanent, full-time role from January 2025
* MPS 1-6 with additional SEN 1 and TLR 2A allowance
* Working as part of the Middle Leadership team and SLT to strategically lead and manage the provision
* Operational responsibility for behaviour, attendance, safety and wellbeing of children and young people in your house
* Pay to scale from day one in line with experience
* Friendly and professional Apple A Day support from our highly experienced team of School Leaders and Recruiters, including free confidential, counselling and mental health support
The ideal candidate will:
* Hold Qualified Teacher Status or ENIC (was NARIC) and right to work (overseas teachers only)
* Possess a valid DBS on the update service (or we can process one for you)
* Existing experience of working with SEND students
* Be a reflective, empathetic and engaging classroom practitioner with the desire to make a real difference to pupil’s lives
* Be able to easily build a rapport with young people and adults
If you're interested in learning more about this role, please get in touch.
The closing date for applications is 29th November 2024.
Benefits of Working for Apple a Day
* Award winning agency
* Get paid to scale from day one, for all long-term placements
* Pension scheme
* Continual professional development
* In-house payroll, so no umbrella companies or fees
* Flexible working patterns to suit your needs
* Access to exclusive roles in local schools
* Staff wellbeing is a priority, with a focus on creating a supportive and healthy working environment
We are a teacher-run education recruitment company with a difference. For over 10 years we have been providing local schools, School Leaders, Teachers and Teaching Assistants with an award-winning service. Our company are experts in our sector and supply the highest calibre of teachers in a professional and urgent yet considered manner.
We work in partnership with a variety of primary, secondary and SEN settings and take pride in supplying them with only the very best Senior Leaders, Teaching and Support Staff across Wiltshire and BANES.
Apple a Day is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Therefore, any successful applicant will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and referencing, and all applicants will be fully vetted in line with Safer Recruitment, KCSIE, and APSCo guidance.
Please note, due to the volume of applicants, only successful applicants will be contacted.
An Apple a Day Supply is an equal opportunities employer. We seek to ensure equality of opportunity in employment and the fair treatment of all employees. We seek to ensure that no employee or prospective employee will receive less favourable treatment on grounds that cannot be justified