Job Title: Advanced Practitioner (Team Based)
Department: Children’s Social Care
Division: Children’s Services
Responsible to: Team Manager
Main purpose of post
* Supporting the Team Manager to develop social care practice and promote the highest standard of social work to be delivered.
* To support and lead on any developments around accreditation to ensure Social Workers are delivering the best possible social work.
* To deliver and role model meaningful, creative, innovative social work practice through a collaborative and systemic approach to all work with children and families.
* Carry a workload requiring exemplary practice in situations of high complexity, exercising a degree of autonomy.
* To provide support to managers and social workers to ensure the Council delivers high quality practice and complies with legislation, regulation and Social Care standards.
* To coach, mentor, support and/or supervise less experienced members of the team and be accountable for the work of less experienced colleagues, where joint working or giving advice and undertake various statutory social work functions including safeguarding work and permanence planning.
Our Core Values
* We believe children are best cared for in their birth families and where this isn’t possible we take timely and appropriate action so children have permanence and stability.
* We work openly and collaboratively with parents and families to understand why we are involved.
* We treat everyone with dignity and respect.
Key Unit Accountabilities
* Supporting Team Manager on ‘Duty’ with reviewing referrals, contacting families and professionals, making threshold decisions and allocating, closing down or sign posting cases. Promote effective communication with families where the Council is undertaking complex social work tasks and to advise social workers and where necessary, other professionals what they need to do differently in order to deliver good outcomes.
* Supporting Team Managers with day to day management tasks and performance under the direction and supervision of the Team Manager including supervising non-social work/unqualified staff.
* Assisting Team Managers with ‘Management oversight’ via case consultation with social workers to ensure cases are progressing in a timely manner and work is purposeful in regards to parental risk factors, support for family and best outcomes for children.
* Support casework with the more complex and challenging families, as per team needs, that require a high level of social work expertise in order to provide children with better outcomes and support and train other Social Workers in their team.
* Support, advise, mentor and model high standards of professional social work practice to newly qualified and less experienced staff in complex/high-risk cases; provide professional, reflective supervision and support to staff as relevant to the needs of the team, e.g. staff induction, newly qualified social workers, students. To also jointly work with newly qualified/less experienced social workers and to provide management instructions and to be accountable for the work of these colleagues on such cases.