Talent Linkers is a boutique contingency recruiter that uses technology at its heart. As a recruiter, it can sometimes be difficult to •Access sufficient jobs to feed your pipeline •Access candidates apart from the very competitive method of Linked In •Share best practices and market insight What we have done at Talent Linkers is build a Digital Market Place Job Acquisition -We will feed you the job vacancies only you are recruiting for, with Competitive placement fees from 10- 20% Candidate Acquisition - Company Linked In Site, Social presence –website Access to Redwigwam’s paid platform and 220,000 workers Tools to manage the process and allow you to join our virtual team. How it would work You are your boss and are self employed. You will earn 65% of the placement fee for every placement you make. •50% payable after 45 days •50% payable after 60 days You will have access to all Talent Linkers systems and tech included. So why don't you apply and Be your own boss Be fed leads and candidates. • No cost and no risk