Hutchesons Solicitors East Kilbride CONVEYANCING PARALEGAL OR LEGAL SECRETARY Hours 30-40 hours per week Salary: flexible and dependent on experience Well established firm seeks Conveyancing Paralegal or Legal Secretary as part of our expansion programme to meet increased client demand. The successful Conveyancing Paralegal candidate will communicate independently with clients and handle conveyancing transactions from start to finish. This will include preparation of missives and title deeds, examination of title, instruction of reports and registration of deeds. The candidate will have available assistance and guidance from a solicitor of over 30 years conveyancing experience. The successful Legal Secretary candidate will assist the principal solicitor in all aspects of conveyancing transactions and private client business and have direct contact with clients. Audio typing is preferable for these positions but not essential. As well as submitting a CV, applicants should provide a covering letter explaining why they fulfil the requirements of the job they wish to apply for. Requirements: Integrity Organisational skills Communication skills Enthusiasm Experience is preferable but inexperience is not a barrier to the right candidate. We are a small, expanding firm. We have a happy, positive atmosphere within the firm and it is very important to us that the successful candidate will enjoy working with us.