Job Overview
The post holder will work within the established Camden Healthy Living Service working with children aged 5 to 18. The bespoke service works with CYP and families to help improve dietary habits, increase physical activity levels and improve overall wellbeing through goal-setting and education aligned with NICE guidelines. The programme works on a one-to-one basis to ensure that the children and families are offered tailored support.
Main duties of the job
1. To support and case manage children and young people in taking up and maintaining different health behaviour changes for weight management and across a range of other areas of health improvement.
2. To work with the School Nursing Service Manager to plan and deliver the National Childhood Measurement programme within Camden to ensure it is executed proficiently within the borough.
3. To use innovative methods to support school aged children to change behaviours, particularly losing weight/BMI, eating healthily, and increasing physical activity levels.
4. To attend school events to help promote the Healthy Living service and provide health improvement messages e.g. coffee morning, schools assembly’s etc.
5. To undertake any required background and preparatory work with schools during term times and continue to make motivational-type contact with children and families outside of the school setting, in school holidays.
6. To gather and update information on local wider public health-related services and activities;
7. To ensure that children and young people are safeguarded from abuse.
Working for our organisation
There’s a place for you at CNWL. We’re passionate about delivering first-class patient-centred, safe and effective care, whether it is in a hospital setting, in a community clinic or in the patient’s own home. Patients are at the heart of everything we do.
Providing top quality care depends on our ability to employ the best people. We’re always looking to recruit outstanding people who will go the extra mile to support our patients, colleagues, teams and the Trust. With every new employee we’re hoping to find our future leaders and we’ll support our staff by providing opportunities to develop your career.
With a diverse culture and equally diverse range of opportunities across mental health, community services, addictions, eating disorders, learning disabilities and more – whatever stage of your career you're at, there's always a place for you at CNWL.
Detailed Job Description And Main Responsibilities
1. To work with named school nurses to manage a “Healthy Living” case load, enabling individuals (and where appropriate – their families) to change their behaviour and improve their health through:
2. Identifying how their behaviour and its context might affect their health and well-being.
3. Using motivational interviewing, negotiating and empathic skills to persuade children and young people to change behaviour and maintain change.
4. To participate within multidisciplinary team to effectively manage complex families.
5. Supporting individuals in developing a personal health plan to make the changes they want to, and to achieve and maintain behaviour change.
6. Supporting and case managing individuals in accessing and using a range of local prevention services.
7. To use behavioural change methodologies that can be tailored to working with families, groups or individual children and young people.
8. To oversee the delivery and planning of the NCMP within the schools in Camden with the support from the School Nursing Service manager and Business Support Officer.
9. To actively plan and organise health promotion activities, such as health stalls, and input into community health events and campaigns.
10. To contribute to the continuous development of the Healthy Living Service.
11. To provide health promotion information and advice to individuals and groups, on healthy eating, weight management, and physical activity, and any other areas as necessary.
Person specification
Essential criteria
1. Degree or Professional Qualification in Nutrition.
Desirable criteria
1. Relevant Professional registration e.g. Association for Nutrition (AfN), British Dietetic Association (BDA) or equivalent.
Essential criteria
1. Significant post degree experience of providing 1-1 behaviour change and maintenance support in quitting smoking, improving oral health, weight management, healthy eating and increasing physical activity levels.
2. Significant experience of managing own client caseloads.
3. Experience of providing health promotion information to individuals and groups in local communities on sexual health, healthy eating, improving oral health, weight management, increasing physical activity, quitting smoking or other topics.
4. Experience of planning, coordinating and delivering health promotion activities in local communities.
5. Experience of communicating effectively with a wide range of people, such as GP’s, dieticians, community workers and people from local communities and of promoting effective relationships.
6. Experience of participating in a multidisciplinary team.
7. Experience of working on own initiative and unsupervised as well as part of a team.
Desirable criteria
1. Experience of working with children/young people in a health improvement role.
2. Experience of coordinating and supervising volunteers or staff.
3. Experience of reporting on service outcomes.
Essential criteria
1. Knowledge of a range of health promotion issues, including healthy eating, improving oral health, weight management, increasing physical activity, quitting smoking, sensible drinking, screening and immunisations.
2. Know about the broad health and health service needs of local communities.
3. Understanding of all factors impacting on health.
4. Knowledge of different local communities in the Camden area, particularly socially excluded communities.
5. Good knowledge of main public health targets and services available to meet them.
Desirable criteria
1. Group work skills and ability to train others in areas of own expertise.