Job summary
An opportunity has arisen for the role of ClinicalDirector of Research and Development (CD R&D), leading the Trust into thenext stage of its development as a research-active organisation, with a focuson a research-led improvement of care.
The Director of Research and Development willbe directly accountable to the Trust Executive Medical Director for the safeand effective delivery of high quality research involving service users andcarers as participants, including the safe delivery of clinical trialsincluding pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. The postholder will lead the development and deliveryof the Trusts R&D Strategy.
The post will hold the status equivalent tothat of a Specialty Clinical Director and will be expected to deputise whereappropriate for the Executive Medical Director on matters relating to researchand innovation.
The opportunity to apply for the post will bering fenced to current senior Trust clinical professionals currently orpreviously appointed at Consultant level.
Please see attached the job description forfurther information. If you have any further questions about the post, pleasedo not hesitate to contact Dr Kedar Kale, Executive Medical Director.
Main duties of the job
To be responsible for the developmentand delivery of the Trusts Research and Development Strategy, including sharedgoals within the Memorandums of Understanding with
-TheUniversity of York
-YorkSt John University
- Teesside University
-andother academic partnerships as they evolve.
About us
Weare the Mental Health and Learning Disability NHS Trust for County Durham andDarlington, Teesside, North Yorkshire, York and Selby.
From education and prevention, to crisisand specialist care our talented and compassionate teams work in partnershipwith our patients, communities and partners to help the people of our regionfeel safe, understood, believed in and cared for.
We nurture therecovery journey of anyone in need of our help. In Our Trust, everyone has asay in how they are supported and treated because we listen to every person inour care until they feel understood. Our patients, their families and carerswork together with us towards better mental health.
We're committed tonew thinking that improves the wellbeing of our region. We connect with ourcommunities and partners to get mental health care right, in areas that reallyneed it.
We won't rest untileveryone in our region has the mental health care they need, to lead their bestpossible life.
There are two grouplocalities; Durham & Tees Valley (which includes forensic services) andNorth Yorkshire & York. In terms ofclinical specialties, these comprise:
Adult mental health
Mental health services for older people
Children and young peoples services
Learning disability services
Forensic Services (including prisons)
Date posted
05 March 2025
Pay scheme
Hospital medical and dental staff
£105,504 to £139,882 a year
Fixed term
3 years
Working pattern
Part-time, Job share, Flexible working
Reference number
Job locations
Tees Esk & Wear Valleys Nhs Trust
Flatts Lane
Job description
Job responsibilities
With the support of the Head ofResearch, lead the development and execution of the Trusts long-term strategyfor research and innovation.
Embed a research and innovationperspective into the Trusts major strategic programmes of work.
Provide assurance to the Trust Board onthe meeting of the Care Quality Commissions Well-Led standards for research.
Broker and develop relationships with anappropriate range of regional institutions in order to further the R&DStrategy and Partnership goals, to include other NHS providers andcommissioners, Health Innovations Networks, NIHR Applied ResearchCollaborations, local authorities, other higher education institutions, theNIHRs Research Delivery Network and funding programmes, the Research Councils,mental health research charities, and the Northern Health Science Alliance.
As part of a senior leadership team,lead TEWV/University of York Mental Health Research Partnership and otheracademic collaborations as they emerge.
Ensure research and innovation isembedded in the Trusts education and training strategies.
Lead the development of the Trustsapproach to accelerating innovation, in collaboration with Academic partners,Health Innovations Networks, and other relevant institutions.
Support co-production of research withservice users and carers at a strategic level.
Provide the Trust with national horizonscanning advice on R&D opportunities and developments, including thatgained via participation in national networks such as the national community ofNHS R&D leaders (UKRD).
Provide senior clinical researchleadership of the Trusts Clinical Research Facility, supported by the Head ofResearch and Associate Clinical Directors of R&D.
Set the strategic direction and priorityfor the delivery of portfolio studiesof complex interventions within the Trust, including the development ofservices to deliver research in populations which lie out with the Trustscurrent clinical pathways, working with key stakeholders.
Provide strategic oversight ofperformance in research against Department of Health and Social Care targets,NIHR Research Delivery Network objectives, and performance against allresearch-related contracts entered into by the Trust.
Ensure sustainable long-term researchincome generation and prudent management of R&D resources, to includestrategic development of the Trusts commercial portfolio.
Contribute to a shared strategy forincome growth as part of the UoY/TEWV Mental Health Research Partnership seniorleadership team.
Provide a 3 monthly report to theMedical Directorate Group on achievements and aspirations in research andinnovation including business development.
Oversee the Trusts strategic approachto Excess Treatment Costs for interventional clinical research and to regularlyreport to the Medical Directorate Group on effective delivery of thiscommitment.
Qualityassurance and research governance
Lead at a strategic level the Trustscompliance with Care Quality Commission Well-Led standards for research.
Ensure the Trusts compliance with the UKPolicy Framework for Health and Social Care Research.
Report to the Trusts Quality AssuranceCommittee on research governance performance, and compliance with CQC Well-Ledresearch standards.
Bea member of the following internal and UoY partnership groupings:
Research Governance Group (as Chair)
Executive Clinical Leaders Group
Medical Directorate Group
University partnership strategicmeetings
Torepresent the Trust at external groupings including the following:
NIHR NorthEast and North Cumbria (RDN) Partnership Group
NIHR NENC Mental Health/Dendron DeliveryPartnership Group
Additional Duties
Provide with the Head of Research, anAnnual Research and Development Report for the Trust Board.
Lead a senior leadership supercell forTrust R&D including Head of Research, Associate Clinical Directors andother delegated colleagues as appropriate.
Support the Associate Clinical Directorin leading the group of Trust Research Leads for specialities and commercialresearch.
Provide line management for the Head ofResearch and Associate Clinical Directors, other appropriate colleagues, includingsupporting professional development and appropriate delegation of duties.
Maintain a strategic approach to therecruitment and retention of clinical academic posts with the University ofYork and other higher education institutions, including seeking newopportunities for growth and the agreement of priority areas for clinicalacademic development.
Ensure that appropriate seniorprofessional groupings within the Trust such as the Senior Medical StaffCommittee are regularly briefed on developments in research.
Support the Trusts work on knowledgemobilisation and implementation of research results including close working asappropriate with the Quality Improvement Team and other Trust departments.
Person Specification
Skills and Knowledge
1. Demonstrate sound understanding and knowledge of the requirements of staff in the conduct and support of clinical research.
2. Demonstrate sound knowledge of the regulatory context of research in the NHS, including Care Quality Commission requirements
3. Demonstrate sound understanding of the principles and application of the Attribution of Costs of Health and Social Care Research and Development (AcoRD)
4. Ability to lead large-scale projects or programmes in a healthcare or academic setting, including financial aspects
5. Ability to develop and delivery strategy at Trustwide and Partnership level
6. Excellent interpersonal skills
7. Negotiation skills
8. Ability to delegate appropriately
9. Ability to lead as part of a leadership team
10. Ability to work collaboratively with service users and carers
11. Evidence of continuing professional development as a leader
12. Demonstrable skills in the use of quality improvement approaches
13. Awareness of principles of developing innovations in the NHS
14. Ability to broker relevant senior individual and institutional relationships at a regional, national and international level
15. Proven track record of leadership in a clinical or research setting in the NHS or Higher Education sector
16. Principal Investigator status on an NIHR portfolio study in the NHS or experience as co- investigator on externally funded research studies
17. Previous experience of research leadership at regional or national level
18. Experience of job planning and/or appraisal with clinical academics
19. Experience of managing a budget
20. Leadership of substantial research studies or programmes as Chief Investigator
21. Experience of implementing the results of research in the NHS
Special Requirements
22. Self motivated
23. Ability to motivate and lead change
24. Ability to work to deadlines
25. UK registered clinical health professional working currently or in the past at consultant level
26. Masters level training in research
27. Higher research degree