Job Description
Tiotal Dreuchd: Tidsear Gàidhlig (Àrd-sgoil)
Àite: Acadamaidh Rìoghail Inbhir Nis
Uairean: 35 san t-seachdain
Ùine: Stèidhichte bho 03/02/ gu 23/12/
Tuarastal: £33, - £50, pa
Neach Fiosrachaidh: Gordon Piper, Fòn:
Cuiribh a-steach TAGRADH AIR-LOIDHNE.
Tha a’ Ghàidhlig riatanach.
Mus tèid dreuchd a dhearbhadh, feumaidh tagraichean soirbheachail ballrachd a ghabhail ann an Sgeama Dìona nam Buidhnean So-leònte.
Tha Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a’ tuigsinn gu bheil iomadachd a’ brosnachadh cruthachas is innleachdas. Tha dealas againn do cho-ionannachd chothroman agus do bhith cothromach is ion-ghabhalach. Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air iarrtasan bho dhaoine bho gach cùl-raon, a’ riochdachadh nan coimhearsnachdan a bhios sinn a’ frithealadh. Tha sinn gu sònraichte a’ cur fàilte air iarrtasan bho thagraichean a tha buailteach a bhith air am fo-riochdachadh nar feachd-obrach.
Mar fhastaiche a tha misneachail a thaobh ciorraim, tha sinn a’ toirt barantas gun toir sinn agallamh do gach tagraiche ciorramach a bhios a’ coinneachadh nan slatan-tomhais riatanach as lugha airson na dreuchd.
Mar as trice ’s ann tro phost-d a thèid fios a chur gu tagraichean air a’ gheàrr-liosta, mura h-eilear ag innse a chaochladh. Cumaibh sùil air ur puist-d, agus air a’ phasgan sgudail.
Post Title: Teacher (Secondary) Gaelic
Location: Inverness Royal Academy
Hours: 35 hours per week
Duration: Fixed term from 03/02/ until 23/12/
Salary: £33, - £50, pa
Contact Person: Gordon Piper Tel:
Gaelic is essential.
Prior to confirming appointment, we will require successful candidates to become members of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.
The Highland Council understands that diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We are committed to equality of opportunity and being fair and inclusive. We welcome applications from people from all backgrounds, representative of the communities we serve and particularly encourage applications from candidates who are likely to be under-represented in our workforce.
As a disability confident employer, we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum essential criteria requirements for the post.
Short listed applicants will normally be contacted by email, unless otherwise stated. Please check your emails regularly, including your junk/spam folder.