The position is to take care of female disabled lady 60yrs old wheelchair user semi rural setting in a small nice clean 2 bed bungalow Currently no pets and a small garden.
We can help you become self employed if not already.
Assisting - additionally to job title above - all usual care needs, meal prep, medication prep, house cleaning errands etc no more than 15 mile distan away Trips out or appointments may be required - phone calls errands shopping or online shopping or basic garden weeding, prescriptions etc.
requirements - some experience may be an advantage - must - very good memory, good cooking skills, kind nature with positive outlook. must have own car, be a none smoker/none vaping, have good availability /flexibility to cover extras days and nights shifts for other employees sickness and holidays at short notice so a 2nd job unfortunately doesn't work well with this one. Spirituality may be an advantage .opportunity to earn around £30/31,000 flat rate if you worked a permeant 48hr shift every week then you will earn extras for sickness cover and cover other peoples holidays and we have a team of 3/4 carers the rate covers a waking night however currently padding due to medications so sleep through mostly but could change any day so need to prepared to support as and when required through the night .10hrs of breaks to be taken over the 48hrs shifts or 5 hrs breaks over the 24 hr shift which are usually taken as a block through the night as sleep or at the employers discretion, Thank you for your interest I look forward to hearing from you.
ABOUT Stacy - multiple sclerosis wheelchair user - Happy positive person, Very Spiritual, learning to sing, would like to write a children's pic book, learn to paint, currently bed ridden mostly, recovering well from recent further ill health in remission from lymphoma