To distribute clean linen to all wards and departments in an emergency out of hoursservice. Collection and transportation of pathology specimens. Collection of medical gases etc. from store, transport to ward, and department andassemble where necessary. Change medical gas cylinders in manifold rooms Deal with all general inquiries from staff, patients, visitors and members of the public ina helpful and courteous manner. Be prepared to carry out the transportation of patient from and or between wards anddepartments. Carry out the removal of deceased patients to the mortuary. (Assist & with viewings asdirected.) Be prepared to carry the appropriate bleep and undertake duties at departmental levelas directed, i.e. A&E, X-Ray, OPD, Pharmacy, Utility Services and Post Room. Carry out Portering of a general nature such as furniture removals Assemble equipment as necessary such as beds, tables etc. Store as necessary in thebed store. Responsibilities continued: Deal with all general inquiries from staff, patients, visitors and members of the public ina helpful and courteous manner. To collect and record in the appropriate ledger, blood products as requested from theBlood Bank to wards and departments. To carry the respective general, departmental bleep and mobile handsets as directed. To assist in the event of a fire or hospital major security alert in accordance with therelevant Trust policies. Be prepared to carry out planned and ad - hoc security duties as directed. Check the identity of anyone arousing suspicion and report all incidents. Be prepared to attend for duty at short notice in the event of staff shortages or aHOSPITAL MAJOR INCIDENT ALERT and assist as directed. To attend all hospital, departmental and local specialist training both on the hospital siteand at a recognised off site training establishment. Observe all statutory and other relevant requirements, in particular to those relating toHealth & Safety, together with the wearing of protective clothing and uniforms. Undertake routine and ad-hoc security checks both internal and external. To undertake when necessary duties within other core areas such as Departmental,Utility and 22. Postal services and to carry out all tasks as detailed within theappropriate job description. To undertake general Portering duties on the North Wing site at the request of thePortering Services Manager. To assist in other Portering duties as required by your line Manager. To wear the uniform and all necessary protective clothing as issued by the Trust incompliance with the Trust policy and the Health & Safety at Work Act or any otherlegislative currently in force.