Thursday 03 April 2025 SalaryRange£124,653 -£146,650
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Hybrid Working, Job Share Job DescriptionSummary. JobDescription
JOBTITLE: Head of Cyber and Physical DefenceCentre
SALARY: From£125,000 dependent on experience andlocation
LOCATION(S): Thisposition is based in Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol orLondon, and will involve periodic travel between theselocations.
HOURS: Full-time
WORKINGPATTERN: Our work style is hybrid, which involvesspending at least two days per week currently, or 40% of our time,at our officelocation.
About thisopportunity
Join us as the Head of theCyber and Physical Defence Centre and lead our mission to provideworld-class security operations at Lloyds Banking Group. This is anoutstanding opportunity to steer a transformation in securitystrategy and implementation that will improve our resilience andcompetitiveness. You'll play a key role in crafting an ambitiousvision for the future, working closely with the Chief SecurityOffice and across the Group. Your efforts will be instrumental indelivering a flawless security operation that is second to none inthe industry.
* Providestrategic direction and vision to the securityoperations team, ensuring their efforts are aligned with the latestinnovations in cyber defence. Your leadership will rigorouslyprioritise tasks that deliver maximum value to ourcollaborators.
* Leadand coordinate incident response efforts, ensuringswift and effective containment, eradication, and recovery fromsecurity breaches. Collaborate with cross-functional teams tominimise impact and restore normal operations, while developingstrategies to prevent futureincidents.
* Buildand maintain a high-performing and skilledteam capable of delivering 24/7 security operations.Your goal will be to foster a culture of excellence and continuouslearning, ensuring our operations remain robust andagile.
* Beaccountable for achieving key performancemetrics, including cost efficiency, contributions tostrategic outcomes, and overall customer happiness. Your insightswill drive simplification and improvement of securityoperations.
* Handlerisks related to security operations throughcollaboration with senior engineers, the CSO, and business leadersto ensure alignment with strategy and industry standardmethodologies.
* Seta collaborative and innovative culture within thesecurity operations team, promoting ownership of outcomes and aproactive approach tochallenges.
WhyLloyds Banking Group
Like the modernBritain we serve, we’re evolving. Investing billions in our people,data, and tech to transform the way we meet the ever-changing needsof our 26 million customers. We’re growing with purpose. Join us onour journey and you willtoo.
What you’llneed
* SecurityOperations Management: Proven proficiency in leadingand enhancing security operations processes using powerfulmethodologies, techniques, and tools. Ability to craft thestrategic direction for cross-functional teams, with a history ofleading a CD/CRoperation.
* Threat-ledApproach: A strategic mentality with a deepunderstanding of cyber threats and an approach that prioritizesthreats for detection and response. Your ability to anticipate andanalyse potential risks will inform proactive measures andcomprehensive strategies to mitigate emergingthreats.
* CustomerCentricity: A strong focus on promoting securecustomer outcomes, ensuring that all team efforts align with thesevalues for maximumimpact.
* OperationsOwnership: Demonstrated leadership in handlingsecurity operations across multiple teams, delivering operationalchanges, and ensuring the success of securityinitiatives.
* Leadership& Culture: Experience in driving cultural changeinitiatives, understanding the barriers to change, and encouragingleadership consensus. Your ability to encourage others throughpersonal integrity and collaboration will bekey.
* Values &Behaviours: A forward-thinking attitude that alignswith our Group Strategy, encouraging others through an inclusiveand collaborative approach. Your vision will be integral torealising our customer-centric goals and desired endstate.
Aboutworking for us
Our focus is to ensurewe're inclusive every day, building an organisation that reflectsmodern society and celebrates diversity in all its forms. We wantour people to feel that they belong and can be their best,regardless of background, identity, or culture. We were one of thefirst major organisations to set goals on diversity in seniorroles, create a menopause health package, and a dedicated Workingwith Cancer initiative. And it’s why we especially welcomeapplications from under-represented groups. We’re disabilityconfident. So, if you’d like reasonable adjustments to be made toour recruitment processes, just let usknow.
We also offer awide-ranging benefits package, whichincludes:
* Agenerous pension contribution of up to15%
* An annualperformance-relatedbonus
* Share schemesincluding freeshares.
* Benefits you canadapt to your lifestyle, such as discountedshopping.
* Generous holidayallowance, with bank holidays ontop
* A range of wellbeinginitiatives and generous parental leavepolicies
Wantto do amazing work, that’s interesting and makes a difference tomillions of people? Join ourjourney.
At Lloyds BankingGroup, we're driven by a clear purpose; to help Britain prosper.Across the Group, our colleagues are focused on making a differenceto customers, businesses and communities. With us you'll have a keyrole to play in shaping the financial services of the future,whilst the scale and reach of our Group means you'll have manyopportunities to learn, grow anddevelop. We keep your data safe. So,we'll only ever ask you to provide confidential or sensitiveinformation once you have formally been invited along to aninterview or accepted a verbal offer to join us which is when werun our background checks. We'll always explain what we needand why, with any request coming from a trusted Lloyds BankingGroup person. We're focused oncreating a values-led culture and are committed to building aworkforce which reflects the diversity of the customers andcommunities we serve. Together we’re building a truly inclusiveworkplace where all of our colleagues have the opportunity to makea real difference.