Job Description
To plan, write and deliver Maths lessons to students in the secondary age range, including sixth form.
1. Develop and propose strategic direction and vision for innovative use of Maths across the whole curriculum for approval by the Principal.
2. Work with the Senior Leadership Team to develop and propose whole school policies to enable and support the successful delivery of the Maths Department vision.
3. Participate in meetings where Maths is discussed.
4. Participate in working parties and in any other groups as co-opted by the Principal.
5. Proactively explore the potential of emerging technologies, new practices and BGI School’s own evaluations of its current use of Maths to regularly review and update the School’s vision and planning processes.
6. Liaise effectively with the Maths staff to ensure that long term educational strategy and systems development plans are aligned and developed in parallel to deliver the required outcomes on time, on specification and on budget.
1. Leadership and management of others
1. Ensure that the Maths vision clearly identifies the potential for the subject to enhance aspects of the School’s work.
2. Work with Subject Co-ordinators and Heads of Department to ensure that Maths is embedded into the teaching, learning and assessment process across the whole curriculu...