The London Borough of Harrow is looking for a Parking Representations & Appeals Officer to work as part of a team of 10 in the Parking Back office making decisions on the validity of challenged Penalty Charge Notices at all stages in line with current legislation and local policy. Furthermore, the postholder will inform motorists in writing of decisions, justify the decisions and inform the motorists of the next steps in the process. The post holder will also be responsible for administering and submitting challenges to Parking Appeals, ensuring the required standard of summaries of evidence is complied with and that they are submitted in accordance with required timescales and prescribed formats. Written responses are supported by an integrated database that populates letters and additionally by bespoke software which provides intelligent pre-written paragraphs to certain key words picked up by data capture.
About You
The successful candidate will have:
1. Educated to GCSE level or equivalent or has the equivalent relevant work experience.
2. Working knowledge of legislation covering Penalty Charge Notice challenge/appeal and recovery processes e.g. Traffic Management Act 2004, Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, London Tribunals Appeal procedure.
3. Experience of working in a Parking Enforcement Collection and Administration office with a working understanding of the legislation and work.
4. Working knowledge of contravention codes used for issuing of PCN’s and the legal policy requirements for issuing a PCN under those codes.
5. Working knowledge of signage and road markings required for traffic/parking restrictions.
6. Understanding of Traffic Management Orders and Controlled Parking Zones.