This is a fantastic opportunity for a qualified teacher keen to start the next stage of their career and take their first step into middle leadership or an existing middle leader who is looking to start their journey into senior leadership. You will have had some experience in your current role with regards to leading an area of development within the department and will be able to demonstrate the impact that this has had. This position will give you the opportunity to expand your experience whilst playing to your strengths and passion for the subject.
As a Director of Learning and Standards you will play a critical role in the School. As a DLS, you will play a pivotal role in raising achievement at all 3 key stages and supporting colleagues to further improve teaching and learning.
The Director of Learning and Standards must be able to
* To embody the values, vision and ethos of the Central Region Schools Trust and assist the Principal in delivering policy which will ensure high quality and successful outcomes.
* To support the monitoring, evaluation and continuous review of the quality and effectiveness within the school.
* To support the collaborative work with the Trust, the school as well as within the local community.
* To ensure high quality teaching and excellent learning outcomes within the curriculum area and create a climate where students achieve their potential.
* Ensure all students within the subject achieve their full potential and targets.
* To inspire staff and students who study in this Curriculum Area with a love for this subject, leading them to explore it and value it for their whole life.
Main Duties will include:
* To develop and implement policies and practices which reflect the school’s commitment to high achievement through effective teaching and learning.
* Lead and implement an effective and appropriate curriculum for our students at all key stages that will enable them to achieve their best and meet national requirements.
* To have an enthusiasm for the subject which motivates and supports other subject staff and encourages a shared understanding of the contribution the subject can make to all aspects of students’ lives.
* To display a developing and professional knowledge base together with the ability to identify the key implications for subject development.
* To use relevant school, local and national data to inform targets for development and further improvement for individuals and groups of students.
* To establish clear targets for achievement in the subject and evaluate progress through the use of appropriate assessments and records and regular analysis of this data.
* To involve all departmental colleagues in the creation and execution of the yearly faculty SEF and Improvement Plan
* This will identify clear targets, times-scales and success criteria and contribute to the whole school SEF and School Improvement Plan.
Teaching and Learning Duties will include:
* To produce differentiated lesson plans to support the delivery of stimulating and existing lessons that will motivate and enthuse students.
* To use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to ensure that all learning styles (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) are catered for.
* To provide students with regular assessment opportunities, use assessment for learning and provide them with quality feedback.
* To provide pastoral care, appropriate to the needs of each student and to maintain high standards in accordance with overall school policies.
* To encourage students to develop positive attitudes to each other, members of staff, their families, the school and their environment.
* To monitor the academic and social development of students and maintain an efficient record system.
* To participate in appropriate meetings with colleagues and parents.
* To participate in Performance Management arrangements.
* To show care and concern for all students, members of staff and the school environment.
* To contribute to the wider aspects of school life, including liaison with parents and external agencies and to provide support for school policy within the community.
* To review annually the preceding year’s work and agree targets, aims and objectives.
* Maintain awareness and knowledge of contemporary trends, developments, theory and methods in the transformation of teaching and provide suitable leadership and interpretation to Governors, Leaders, Managers and staff within the school.
* To carry out any other reasonable duties as directed by the Principal
Director of Learning and Standards Duties will include:
* Plan and monitor Schemes of Learning for the subject.
* Establish a subject development plan, target setting and review, ensuring that all students have appropriate and aspirational target grades for the subject.
* To ensure that all students meet or exceed their target grades.
* Lead and support all teachers within the department, assisting in their professional development and supervising beginner teachers and NQTs.
* Monitor, evaluate and review the performance of staff teaching within the department, addressing under performance and other areas of concern in a timely and appropriate manner.
* Ensure that staff within the department teach engaging and effective lessons that motivate, inspire and improve student attainment.
* To develop expertise within the team in supporting SEN students.
* Establish monitoring and evaluation of student progress with regular, measurable and significant assessments for students.
* To review feedback on academic attainment and attendance of students and ensure effective interventions are put in place and impact monitored.
* To develop, lead and monitor an improvement plan with evidence of all areas to be addressed.
* To maintain and moderate accurate student data that can be used to make teaching and learning more effective and narrow/eliminate gaps for discrete groups.
* To develop, lead and monitor an improvement plan with evidence of all areas to be addressed.
* To maintain and moderate accurate student data that can be used to make teaching and learning more effective and narrow/eliminate gaps for discrete groups.
* To develop strong partnerships and ensure regular and productive communication with organisations, parents and other schools.
* To manage departmental budget and resources effectively and efficiently.
Next steps
If you are excited by this role and believe you have the vision and values to fulfil this challenge, then please contact the HR department on or by calling us on 0121 556 1351.
A visit to the School and an informal chat with the Principal is welcomed and encouraged prior to making your application.
Closing date: Thursday 3rd April @ 10am
Interviews will take place week commencing Monday 7th April 2025