Theenterprise R&D and Lab digital domain forms a criticalfunctional and data foundation as part of the end to end businesstransformation program across Mars Inc. It plays a pivotal role indelivering best in class digital capabilities across ProductLifecycle Management, Quality & Food Safety, MGS Laboratoriesand Enterprise Product Innovation and in transitioning from ourcurrent state systems, process and data architecture, to thetransition state and on to the future state. Digital R&D todayspans a complex architecture of systems, process and data and thisrole will ensure the future state Edge system landscape andassociated new capability development and enhancements are fullymanaged end to end, whilst partnering with the Q&FS DigitalDirector to deliver the Q&FS Digital Coreagenda.
In order to maintainour existing portfolio and deliver new capability/innovation acrossQ&FS, this role requires key stakeholder engagement acrossCorporate R&D, Segment functional and DT senior leads andDigital Core workstream leads. It also requires a very closerelationship with the GDO organisation, in leading new capabilitiesand innovations and ensuring strong end-to-end business valuerealisation across the Q&FS Digitaldomain.
What are welookingfor?
* Provenproject, programme and/or portfolio management leadership andmanagement capability with 7+ years practicalexperience
* Proventrack record of managing and delivering complex projects thatinvolve both system development and system integrationaspects
* Strongleadership, communication, organizational, and problem-solvingskills.
* Experience /comfort operating in a global, matrix environment and influencingbeyond reportinglines
* Experience withSAP implementation projects and transforming business at scale andspeed(preferred)
Whatwill be your keyresponsibilities?
DigitalCore Q&FS TransformationDelivery
* Provides day to daytechnical leadership across the Digital Core Q&FS workstream,partnering with senior leads from Corporate R&D, EnterpriseR&D Sis and Enterprise R&DBIs.
* Responsible for the delivery of criticalsystem milestones and projects in support of Q&FS Digital Coreambition.
* Leads the design, development andintegration of Edge systems through IBM and internalteams
* Leads the transition of new technologyintroduced through the DC programme to GDO and IT Opsteams.
* Lead the NTI process includinginfrastructure setup for systems within scope of the DC Q&FSworkstream
* Manage relationship with Edge SI’sensuring timely engagement and effective project / governancemethods are established in line with broader Digital Core timelinesand approach.
* Responsible for managingrelationships with key stakeholders including segment, functionaland IT leaders ensuring effective communication on key programmeand design decisions as well as coordinating Enterprise technologyteam support to segment deploymentteams
* Responsible for ensuring Edge (non S4)system change impacts are defined, aligned and understood acrossother workstreams within the Digital Core and BAUagenda.
* Partner with the BAU E2E Senior Lead toensure the Digital Core and BAU strategies are aligned andcomplimentary whilst ensuring dependencies are effectivelymanaged.
FinancialInvestment Governance
* Responsible for overallfinancial due diligence of the Edge systems investments governedand prioritised as part of the Digital Core Q&FSworkstream
* Evaluatetechnologies and platforms to identify best-fit for businessneeds
* Provide thoughtleadership on Q&FS DC roadmap bringing in new externalperspective to the area and playing an active thought leadershiprole within DT, corporate and thesegments.
Whatcan you expect fromMars?
* Work with diverse andtalented Associates, all guided by the FivePrinciples.
* Join a purpose driven company,where we’re striving to build the world we want tomorrow,today.
* Best-in-class learning and developmentsupport from day one, including access to our in-house MarsUniversity.
* An industry competitive salary andbenefits package, including companybonus.
Marsis an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants willreceive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationalorigin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any othercharacteristic protected by law. If you need assistance or anaccommodation during the application process because of adisability, it is available upon request. The company is pleased toprovide such assistance, and no applicant will be penalized as aresult of such a request.