An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Medicine Group Rota Team. We are seeking a competent, highly motivated rota manager who has experience with medical rotas within the NHS and is keen to lead and develop the service and team.
Possession of the requisite knowledge and strong attention to detail and accuracy is essential for this role. Additionally, excellent communication skills will assist the post-holder in maintaining regular contact with junior and senior medical staff, the group management team as well as Chief Registrars and the GIM Clinical Lead.
This is an extremely busy department, which requires someone to be able to maintain performance working in a fast paced environment and deliver on service development.
The post holder will be responsible for the management of all Consultant and junior medical staff on-call rotas within the Medicine Group ensuring efficient and effective rota changes and organisation, often at short notice.
Experience in managing and supporting medical rotas is essential for this position.
· RotamanagementandcoordinationofallMedicineGroupDoctors
· Providing a high quality administration function to support effective Group Management across the Rota Team and Medical Rota’s, including acting as a project lead for identified Trust and Group priorities
· Project leadforimprovement initiativeswithin the Rota Teamensuring an efficient and well- designed rota service.
· Manage, maintain and update the Tempre system for the Medicine Group ensuring that it is regularly reviewed.
· Responsible for the design, production and day to day maintenance of the Trust’s General medical rota.
· Todelivertrainingoneffectivemedicalrotamanagement
· AuthorisedsignatoryfortheshiftapprovalinTempre
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, rated as good by the Care Quality Commission, is one of the largest teaching Trusts in the UK.
We are extremely proud of our employees across our hospital sites, with high quality patient care at the heart of everything we do.
Boasting some of the most modern facilities in Western Europe, the Trust is renowned for being at the forefront of research and innovation as part of its blossoming reputation as a worldwide leader in healthcare.
We are proud to be recognised as a Pathway to Excellence® designated organisation – please click the link for further details about this prestigious award. Pathway To Excellence ® - University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire (
By joining our exciting journey, you will form part of a passionate, talented team and will be able to access a wide range of learning and development opportunities. There has never been a better time to join our team.
The Trust is committed to building an organisation that makes full use of the talents, skills, experience, and different perspectives available in our diverse society. We want everyone to feel they are respected, valued, can achieve their potential and receive the most appropriate and relevant care. We will create an environment where the equality and human rights principles of fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy are promoted and are part of the organisation's core values.
The post holder will ensure there is an effective and efficient administration function to support the Rota Team at all times.
· Work with the nominated Senior Group Manager to write and coordinate rota’s for Doctors in the Medicine footprint.
· Ensure the process of reporting and recording of sickness is maintained and that there is a process in place to support managing Doctors via the agreed Trust policy. Escalate to Group Management where there is any non-compliance of sickness and provide a plan forresolution.
· The post holder will ensure that there is an efficient recruitment process and provide the necessary resource to ensure compliance of mandatory training for all MedicineDepartment Doctors
· Work with the Medicine Senior Group Manager to support in the recruitment of junior doctors to the Medicine footprint. Ensure there is a streamlined process for the recruitment timelines including interview preparation and inducting of new staff members.
· Liaise with Trust colleagues as required, including HR, Recruitment and ESR teams to resolve all issues relating to Medicine Group compliance.
For further details of the role please see the attached job description.
This advert closes on Wednesday 19 Mar 2025