Job Description
6 months contract with a Local Authority
Job Summary:
• To assist in the provision of an efficient and cost-effective legal service to all relevant departments such as the Planning Team, Highways Team and Specialist Planning Team (etc.).
Key Duties/Accountabilities (Sample):
• Conduct of cases in all Courts, Tribunals etc to appear personally on the Council's behalf in all Civil and Criminal Courts and before Tribunals, Inquiries etc.
• Instruct Counsel and other experts, as required.
• Drafting legal documents, including section 106 agreements as required by the client departments to fulfill their functions.
• To attend and advise at Committee and Sub-Committee meetings in relation to work undertaken by the Planning & Corporate Team.
• To attend and advise at meetings of working parties and officer groups as a representative of the Planning & Corporate Team.
• To give legal advice to the departments served by the Planning & Corporate Team as and when required.
• Keep clients, Members and officers informed of new legislation and case law relevant to their operations to ensure that they maintain a sound appreciation of legal requirements.
• Investigate, research and report upon matters of importance within Legal Services and to undertake projects as directed.
• To provide legal comments for reports to Cabinet Members, Cabinet and other Committees.
• To assist client departments in unraveling the implications of new legislation and case law.
• Undertake Planning Inquiries concerning refusals of planning permission by the Council.
• On own initiative to investigate, research and report upon matters of importance within the Planning & Corporate Legal Team and to undertake projects as directed.
• At all times to comply with the Legal Services Lexcel and time recording requirements.
• Keep Members informed of new legislation and case law relevant to their operations to ensure that they maintain a sound appreciation of legal requirements.
• To provide training to the Members and client departments served by the Planning & Corporate Legal Team.
• To carry out any other duties as are commensurate to the level of this post.
• Maintain knowledge of the current Team Plan and understanding of own contribution to ensure delivery of this plan.
• To demonstrate cost-consciousness and identify any cost-effective changes to own way of working.
• To identify and suggest any improvements to current ways of working to deliver a more efficient and effective service for customers.
• Primary contact will be with other officers within the Council.
• Complete other reasonable tasks to fulfill role purpose or as instructed by management.
• Delivery of agreed PADA objectives.
• Ability to work flexibly to meet the needs of the service which will include some working outside of usual office hours, e.g. attendance at Planning Committee.
• Some experience of Planning, Highways and/or environmental law.
• Some experience of applying law in a public setting.
• Some experience of Advocacy.
• An ability to express opinions and ideas in a logical and persuasive manner with a wide use of vocabulary.
• Ability to debate legal points in a logical, pragmatic and impartial way.
• An understanding of Local Government law and administration.
• An ability to listen in face-to-face situations and apply problem solving techniques to issues.
• To present written work legibly and in language that lay people will understand.
• The ability to undertake other legal work in the Legal Services Department as and when required.
• Competent user of ICT including the ability to learn and use service specific systems.
• To work in an apolitical manner.
• Ability to work to tight deadlines.
• An ability to demonstrate an understanding of why Equality Diversity & Inclusion is important.
• Ability to represent the Council in courts and tribunals.
• Ability to co-ordinate and manage a substantial, often complex caseload.
• Detailed knowledge of Civil and Criminal Court procedures.
• A high level of interpersonal, influencing, negotiating and representational skills, including the ability to provide training to a variety of audiences.
• An understanding of the role of Elected Members.
• “Can do” positive attitude.
• Demonstrates a commitment to changing work practices and processes, and a willingness to try new ways of working or thinking.
• Takes responsibility and delivers results.
• Adapts to changing demands to ensure that objectives are met, overcoming problems and making well considered decisions.
• Acts as a role model to others in the team, sharing knowledge and experience, when necessary, whilst respecting and valuing the contribution other team members’ experiences can bring.
• Demonstrates well developed written and verbal communication skills, and the confidence to present reports and verbal accounts credibly to various audiences.
• Develops contacts and relationships with customer/ client groups, regularly reviewing service delivery and taking responsibility to ensure quality service provision.
• Takes ownership of personal development.
• Takes action to develop own and others' capability and knowledge by promoting and supporting developmental opportunities to improve performance.
Additional Information:
• To have been admitted as a Solicitor or Barrister or a Legal Executive in England and Wales or Common Law jurisdiction.
• Ability to work flexibly to meet the needs of the service which will include some working outside of usual office hours, e.g. attendance at Planning Committee. • Some experience of Planning, Highways and/or environmental law. • Some experience of applying law in a public setting. • Some experience of Advocacy. • An ability to express opinions and ideas in a logical and persuasive manner with a wide use of vocabulary. • Ability to debate legal points in a logical, pragmatic and impartial way. • An understanding of Local Government law and administration. • An ability to listen in face-to-face situations and apply problem solving techniques to issues. • To present written work legibly and in language that lay persons will understand. • The ability to undertake other legal work in the Legal Services Department as and when required. • Competent user of ICT including the ability to learn and use service specific systems. • To work in an apolitical manner. • Ability to work to tight deadlines. • An ability to demonstrate an understanding of why Equality Diversity & Inclusion is important. • Ability to represent the Council in courts and tribunals. • Ability to co-ordinate and manage a substantial, often complex caseload. • Detailed knowledge of Civil and Criminal Court procedures. • A high level of interpersonal, influencing, negotiating and presentational skills, including the ability to provide training to a variety of audiences. • An understanding of the role of Elected Members. • “Can do” positive attitude. • Demonstrates a commitment to changing work practices and processes, and a willingness to try new ways of working or thinking. • Takes responsibility and delivers results. • Adapts to changing demands to ensure that objectives are met, overcoming problems and making well considered decisions. • Acts as a role model to others in the team, sharing knowledge and experience, when necessary, whilst respecting and valuing the contribution other team members’ experiences can bring. • Demonstrates well developed written and verbal communication skills, and the confidence to present reports and verbal accounts credibly to a variety of different audiences. • Develops contacts and relationships with customer/ client groups, regularly reviewing service delivery and taking responsibility to ensure quality service provision. • Takes ownership of personal development. • Takes action to develop own and others' capability and knowledge by promoting and supporting developmental opportunities to improve performance.