Position: Care Worker
Responsible to: Care Manager / Care Co-ordinator
It is the aim of Supreme Care Services that as a Care Worker representing the company, you should provide the highest quality care to all service users in the comfort of their home, whilst respecting their dignity, privacy and wishes and promote their independence. In doing so, you will raise and enhance the reputation of the high standard of care service delivered by the company. As a care worker, you may be required to have an input in the review of a care plan of a service user. You will adhere to any instructions given to you by Supreme Care and carry out your duties and instructions in a professional and courteous manner at all times. You are expected to work on a rota basis Monday – Sunday including bank holidays. Care Workers are at all times expected to maintain confidentiality, unless you feel the Service User may be at risk, only then should you breach confidentiality by informing a care manager in the office without delay.
Overall Responsibility:
* To work in the best interest of the company and Service User(s) and to deliver a high standard of personal care.
* To assist and maintain a high quality service and service delivery, work in line with company policies and procedures, contractual agreements and in line with the National Minimum Standards set out under the Care Standards Act 2000.
* To meet and exceed the care needs of all service users, whilst working with their family or friend or significant other(s).
* To ensure that you are professional, communicate effectively, be flexible and honest at all times.
General Responsibilities:
* To take instructions from the Care Managers, co-ordinators and other staff of Supreme Care.
* To carry out all personal care duties in line with the individual service user care plan and adhere to any identified risk assessments.
* To assist the service user with the safe prompting of medication.
* To be efficient with equipment such as hoists, wheelchairs, stair lifts and continence management etc.
* To provide detailed reports.
* To continuously undertake ongoing training both in house and outside that is appropriate to your job and personal development.
* To operate in line with Care Standards Act, POVA, Employment Agencies Act, Data Protection Act, Equal Opportunities specifically adhering to - the Race Relations Act 1976, the Sex Discrimination Act 1995, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, the Sexual Orientation Act 2003, the Religious Belief Act 2003, Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Working Time Regulations Act 1998.
* To comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and operate within the company’s health and safety regulations at all times.
* To ensure that all Health & Safety and Risk Assessments are carried out effectively in the service users homes.
Other Specific Responsibilities:
* To ensure that the care given meets and exceeds the needs of the service user as detailed in their care plan and provide detailed reports on each visit. Observe and report (immediately) any changes with the service user’s health, changes in skin condition, bowel habits, urinary difficulties, respiratory difficulties, eating and drinking habits or unusual behaviour or condition.
* To assist with all personal and hygiene care including dressing and undressing, bathing, toileting, mouth and hair care and feeding in accordance with their care plan.
* You will not be expected to carry out any nursing tasks such as – catheterisation, sterile dressings, administration of medication or injections or introduce any non-prescribed drugs or systemic or topical remedies.
* You are expected to be vigilant and prevent any form of abuse and expected to provide detailed reports when requested.
At all times, you must provide detailed reports in the record book which is kept in the home. In addition, you must report any findings to the office immediately. In the event of any emergencies, you are expected to follow the company’s procedures and call the emergency line of the company.
Types of Care Service you will/may be expected to carry out:
* Personal Care – you will be expected to carry out duties as detailed in the care plan. These works are generally carried out between 7am and 10pm, which may include some domestic, shopping, food preparation, financial matters, escorting and meeting complex care needs.
* Night / waking sits – you will be expected to work from 10pm – 7am and attend to all needs of the user whilst remaining in the service user’s home. You are not allowed at anytime to sleep/rest during this shift. You may be expected to spend the night in the service users room or another part of the home where frequent visits must be carried out and be vigilant at all times. Where you are expected to carry out a palliative care service, you must not leave the service user unless it is at the preference of the service user or the family but you must carry out several visits to the service users each hour.
* Sleeping Night Service – you will be expected to work from 10pm – 7am and sleep on the premises. You are allowed to be woken up to 3 times per night to attend to the users needs. However, should the user require you to attend their needs more frequently whilst on shift, you must attend their needs and report this to the office immediately.
* Live-in Care Service - you will be expected to live on the premises through the week working either on a 40 hour basis or 5-6 days out of 7. During your rest period, an alternative carer will carry out your duties. Accordingly, you may be required to work on a week on / week off basis.
* Sitting Service – you will be expected to work 7am – 10pm where you will provide any service including companionship, personal care or domestic work.