Supporting Clinical Excellence Assisting and contributing in the management and organisation of the clinical area. Actively contribute to setting and maintaining high standards of quality care. To work collaboratively and co-operatively with others to meet the needs of patients and their families. To maintain accountability for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating programmes of care. Consider new ways of working which enhance and improve patient care. Consider new ways of working which are cost saving. To co-ordinate the patients discharge from Recovery in accordance with NGH discharge policy. To educate patients and their carers as required where a need has been identified. Complete patient documentation correctly. To maintain a safe ward environment. Responsible for safe supply, storage, administration, checking and disposal of medications including controlled drugs. Adopt an open learning culture from patient experience and action plan improvements as necessary. To undertake any expanded roles deemed necessary for the role following the Trust policy Expansion of Professional Practice for Registered Healthcare Professionals. Actively participate in the education, development and supervision of other staff members. Assess and support students and learners on placement within the clinical area. Promote and maintain effective communication, both written and verbal. To act as a role model for staff. Ensure patient and staff confidentiality. To supervise junior staff in the delivery of care. To participate in the safe movement and handling of patients within the operating department, and between other departments within the Trust. Maintain patient privacy and dignity at all times. Provide support and reassurance to all patients undergoing regional or local anaesthesia. Commitment to providing Safe and sensitive escorting of patients, relatives and carers. Help maintain high standards of cleanliness expected within a surgical environment. Participate in stock control/rotation and order. Restocking of theatres and other adjoining areas as required. Assist with the maintenance of equipment and report any faults to senior members of staff. Carry out errands when requested. This job description is not a rigid/inflexible document but acts to provide the post holder with guidance as to the expectations of the role. Whilst in post, these expectations may change in order to meet service needs.