The Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Officer will provide support to ensure the EPRR corporate responsibilities are met and provide assurance that the Trust complies with the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, and any associated Emergency Preparedness, Resilience & Response (EPRR) guidance, including NHS Englands (NHSE) Core Standards for EPRR. The post will monitoring that co-ordinated systems are in place in all areas of the organisation to ensure that core critical services are maintained in response to any reasonably foreseeable event. This further includes working with the Local Resilience Forum and our multi-agency partners. Support the Trust by reviewing and supporting internal stakeholders with the updating of existing emergency and business continuity polices and plans, designing and delivering specialist EPRR training and advice, utilising research to deliver on new and changing approaches in delivery of training and supporting the response to any potential incidents or emergencies.