The post holder will undertake a range of nursing duties and provide appropriate care and treatment independently and in conjunction with the doctors and other members of the nursing team according to Practice policies and protocols. The Practice Nurse works independently using own initiative and is accountable for their own professional actions. The post holder should complete all the actions listed below according to their own competencies. Administer adult and childhood immunisations and vaccinations in accordance with national and local programmes. The post holder should be competent in anaphylaxis and resuscitation techniques, ensuring safe storage, rotation and disposal of vaccines in line with local policies and undertake annual training updates. Provide contraceptive advice including pill checks and depot injections. Undertake procedures to include venepuncture, blood pressure management, urinalysis, peak flow, spirometry, NHS Health Checks, stitch/clip removal, cytology screening and wound management within own competencies and training. Undertake comprehensive reviews for patients with long term chronic diseases including diabetes, asthma, COPD, hypertension, CHD, and stroke within own competencies and training. Ensure that Nursing and Midwifery registration is correct and current during employment with the Practice. Communicate effectively with staff recognising the need for alternative methods of communication to overcome different levels of understanding, recognising cultural needs and preferred ways of communication. Recognise and work within own competence and professional code of conduct as regulated by Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Prioritise, organise, and manage own workload in line with Practice policies and protocols. Plan time for clinical and non-clinical workloads. Work collaboratively with other members of the nursing team, GPs and administrative staff to improve the quality of health care. Participate in review of complaints, clinical incidents and near- miss events to identify learning for individual and surgery. Understand and apply legal policy that supports the identification vulnerable and abused children and adults, being aware of statutory procedure and local guidance. Participate in and support local projects agreed with the Practice Management team. Undertake mandatory and statutory training and participate in Practice Appraisal systems and identify any training needs to keep up to date with current nursing and infection control guidelines. Disseminate learning and information gained from other team members or training events to share good practice and keep the clinical team informed about current and future developments of patient care.