Clinical Practice Assess patients presenting with acute illness or for review of chronic disease conditions by telephone or direct patient contact Clinically examine and assess patient needs from a psychological and physiological perspective and plan care accordingly Provide first point of contact within the practice for a specified group of patients presenting with undifferentiated and undiagnosed problems utilising skills in history taking, clinical examination, problem solving and clinical decision making Assess diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate interventions/treatments for patients with complex needs Proactively identify, diagnose and manage treatment plans for patients at risk of developing a long-term condition (as appropriate) Diagnose and manage both acute and chronic conditions, integrating both drug and non-drug based treatment methods into a management plan and within scope of practice As an independent prescriber, Prescribe and review medication for therapeutic effectiveness, appropriate to patient needs and in accordance with evidence-based practice and national and practice protocols and formularies Work with patients in order to support compliance with and adherence to prescribed treatments Provide information and advice on prescribed and over the counter medication on medication regimens, side effects and interactions. With appropriate support, participate in the clinical administration within the practice, signing prescriptions, reviewing medication, Electronic Prescription Service, reviewing patient letters/discharges and respond to queries in an appropriate timeframe. Make professional, autonomous decisions for which he/she is accountable. Undertake home visits for acute illness or chronic disease management within competency. Prioritise health problems and intervene appropriately to assist the patient in complex, urgent or emergency situations, including initiation of effective emergency care Support patients to adopt health promotion strategies that promote healthy lifestyles and apply principles of self-care Assess, identify and refer patients presenting with mental health needs in accordance with current guidance for mental health. Participate in vaccination and immunisation programmes for both adults and children Instigate necessary invasive/non-invasive tests or investigations and interpret reports or findings Understand the remit of the quality and outcomes framework and the long term conditions framework (where applied locally) and apply principles accordingly To provide departmental cover for the practice nurse team to include duties currently undertaken by the team. This includes wound management, cervical cytology, immunisations and other duties within competency. To assist in the proactive clinical management of End of Life Care within the practice. To assist and lead on any clinical disease areas within competency as directed by GP Partners. To undertake any other delegated duties as requested by Practice Manager or GP Partners which are considered appropriate to the post. See acompanying Job Description for further details.