To provide skilled, effective and evidence-based nursing care to service users. To promote the participation of service users and relatives in assessments and care planning. To provide care and attention to the needs of vulnerable adults. Including assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care. To have a good understanding of what has led to a person requiring our service, what needs to be done to get them home and taking a pro-active approach towards discharge planning according to local policy. To ensure that all care plans in the ward are completed, up to date and evaluated regularly. To participate in weekly multi-disciplinary clinical reviews. To liaise with, and refer to, all those involved in the delivery of care to ensure adequate care and support for service users. To identify and record all incidents and concerns and report back to the Ward Manager. To ensure the safe handling of body fluids and contaminated sharps. To undertake assessments such as; assessment of the deteriorating patient, continence assessment and management of falls assessment and prevention, pressure ulcer prevention and management, medicines management. To undertake MUST nutritional assessments and advise and support people with their nutritional needs e.g. thickened fluids and special diets under the guidance of the specialist dietitian. To provide a teaching role for colleagues, students, service users and carers. To work in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, Trust policies and guidelines to maintain accurate and detailed recorded records and recognise legal and ethical issues. To work with older people with intermediate care needs providing a rehabilitative approach to care, which promotes maximum independence. To undertake Mental Capacity Assessments within your scope of practice, recording and acting on these according to Trust guidance. To be alert to the needs of adults at risk, identifying risk of possible harm and taking appropriate safeguarding action as required. To maintain accurate and contemporaneous records using the Electronic Patient Record system and Electronic Prescribing on Systmone.