We have a new opportunity for an individual with previous operational experience of Risk and Compliancewithin a Professional Services organisation. Joining our established team based from our Southampton office the position will ideally suit someone with a good foundation in the Risk and Compliance function whos seeking the opportunity to build a career in the area. Blake Morgan's internal Risk and Compliance team enables the firm to achieve its corporate objectives by effectively managing and mitigating risk. The team provides high quality, accessible and timely advice through an understanding of the SRA Code of Conduct and compliance generally as well as Solicitor's Professional Liability work. The team has responsibility for implementing all relevant legislation and regulatory changes and requirements and interpreting the frameworks in a digestible way. The team promotes best practice and develops and delivers relevant training to the whole business. Aboutyou This role would be suited to someone with some knowledge in areas as such as compliance, anti-money laundering, conflicts, internal audits (quality, environmental and/or information security), data protection, information security and regulatory matters. A legal background is nothowever essential. In addition, there may be opportunities for the right individual to gainexposurein complaints handling, advice around risk avoidance and with other project initiatives. Confidentcommunicationskillsandanexcellenttelephonemanner Experienceworkingonyourowninitiativeandaspartofateam Amethodicalapproachtowork Anuptodateawarenessofrelevantlegislation Theabilitytoapplyproblem-solvingtechniquestoarangeofscenarios Analyticalskillswiththeabilitytospottrends ADZN1_UKTJ