To work alongside other professionals (e.g. schools, other mental health support teams, children's services, Surrey SARC and child protection agencies) in planning how best to support a child and the child's family. To assist in STARS training events and to offer highly specialist advice, guidance and consultation to other professionals working with children and families who have been affected by childhood sexual trauma. To refer people to other services where appropriate (e.g. school counsellor, ACT, Community Mental Health Teams, Youth Services) To ensure complex and sensitive information is managed appropriate. To communicate in a professional and sensitive manner with other agencies, with a view to maintaining the appropriate level of confidentiality. To have an expert awareness of safeguarding issues and to be clear about roles and responsibilities to report, respond to and share information in relation to safeguarding. To promote early intervention and active engagement amongst the network, being an ambassador for mental wellbeing and providing expertise in emotional and mental health across the system in order to effect better outcomes for Children and young people. To be responsible for managing and prioritising own workload of children and adolescents with emotional well-being issues and more complex emerging mental health issues often involving additional problem areas, such as self-harming, depression, trauma and attachment issues. Please see attached Job Description for full details.