Responsible for the learning and achievement of all pupils in the class, ensuring equity of opportunity for all, achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct. All teachers are required to carry out the professional duties and responsibilities of a school teacher as defined by ‘Teachers’ Standards’ and set out in the current ‘School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document’.
Ensure excellent standards of teaching & learning across the subject Take responsibility for the strategic overview of the department, including selfevaluation and the improvement plan for the department Monitor student progress and implement strategic intervention for the department Develop the curriculum, schemes of work and assessment across all key stages Create and share resources and promote collaborative joint planning Visit lessons and carry out formal observations across the department Provide opportunities for continuing professional development for relevant staff, including leading staff training where appropriate Performance Management of department colleagues as appropriate
Deliver the curriculum as relevant to the age and ability of the individuals and classes you teach, preparing and developing teaching materials, programmes and pastoral arrangements as appropriate
Be accountable for the attainment, progress and outcomes of all pupils within your class/es, planning effectively to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to meet their potential
Be aware of pupils’ capabilities, planning effectively to meet the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and work in collaboration with the SENCo to make an appropriate contribution to and participate in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and review of SEN Support Arrangements
Use an appropriate range of observations, assessment, monitoring and recording strategies as a basis for setting challenging learning for pupils with diverse abilities and experiences, monitoring pupil progress and attainment
Make accurate and productive use of assessments to secure pupil progress and report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of pupils
Establish and maintain engaging and effective relationships with parents, Governors and the wider community
Use relevant data effectively to monitor progress, set targets and plan lessons
Set homework and plan out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding that pupils have acquired Promote and facilitate extra curricular activities, after school clubs, targeted boosters and residential trips where appropriate
Provide pupils with regular feedback, both in real time and through accurate marking, encouraging pupils to respond to the feedback, reflect on progress, their emerging needs and to take a responsible and conscientious attitude towards their own work and study
Effectively and consistently apply school policies and guidelines Support initiatives directed by the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team Plan for, organise and direct the work of relevant Support Staff within the classroom. This will sometimes include direct line management of Learning Support Assistants/Teaching Assistants Participate in arrangements for examinations and assessments within the remit of the ‘School Teachers’ pay and conditions document’
Be responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people within the school, raising any concerns by following the relevant policies and procedures
Establish a safe, purposeful and stimulating environment for pupils, ensuring high expectations of discipline which pupils respect, acting to pre-empt and deal with inappropriate behaviour in the context of the behaviour policy of the school Manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to the pupils’ needs in order to inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
Be a positive role model, and demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour expected of pupils’ Establish and maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively when necessary
Actively participate in meetings and professional development opportunities Engage and make positive contributions as a member of the wider school team, planning collaboratively, sharing information, ideas and expertise, raising standards by sharing effective practice
Regularly review the effectiveness of your teaching and assessment procedures and its impact on pupil progress, attainment and wellbeing, refining your approaches where necessary responding to advice and feedback from colleagues
Proactively participate with arrangements made in accordance with the Appraisal Regulations 2012 Have professional regard for the ethos, policies and procedures of the school in which you teach
Undertake a due share of duties according to the published rota
Take part as required in the review, development and management of the activities relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school
Effectively collaborate across the Trust network and clusters, sharing best practice and facilitating benchmarking across schools where appropriate
Qualified Teacher Status or equivalent (E)
Ability to demonstrate an awareness, understanding and commitment to the protection and safeguarding of children (E)
Ability to evidence effective continuous professional development (E)
Experience of teaching in relevant Key Stage and/or subject area (D)
Ability to evidence effective communication with a wide audience / range of stakeholders (E)
Proven track record in establishing effective relationships with parents, governors and the community (E)
Ability to evidence excellent IT skills on a wide range of programmes & software (E)
Ability to demonstrate an understanding of wider educational issues, knowledge of the appropriate key stage curriculum and national strategies (E)
At Bourne Education Trust, our culture and our values are important to us, as outlined in our BET Behaviours which set out the key qualities we would expect any colleague to demonstrate. We foster a reflective, optimistic, and aspirational approach and we expect our colleagues to be collaborative, innovative, committed, engaged and professional. Diverse and inclusive, we encourage you to act as a positive force for equality, helping us create communities where everyone belongs. We encourage our colleagues to take part in school and cross Trust teams and we will invest in you through continuous professional development.