This Job Description is not exhaustive, and the post holder may be required to undertake other duties from time to time consistent with the responsibility of this role. This will be dependent upon factors such as workload and staffing levels. This Job Description is subject to periodic review and development. The following are the core responsibilities of this role: a. Undertake new patient health checks b. Support the nursing team with health promotion programmes c. Carry out baseline observations such as pulse oximitery, blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate, recording findings accurately d. Undertake wound care, uncomplex dressings and other clinical tasks as required e. Support the nursing team with the management of chronic disease clinics f. Carry out BMI checks as directed g. Act as a chaperone as required h. When trained, undertake venepuncture i. When trained, administer flu vaccinations and other immunisations j. Carry out ECGs as requested k. Ensure the correct labelling, packaging and storing of samples, l. Ensure specimens are recorded and ready for onward transportation m. Provide support during minor operations as required ensuring consent received n. Ensure all clinical rooms are adequately stocked and prepared for each session o. Ensure fridges are cleaned routinely in accordance with extant guidance p. Ensure clinical waste is removed from clinical areas and sharps bins replaced in accordance with the practice IPC policy q. Obtaining patient consent for the collection of a blood sample r. Perfoming venepunture in accordance with practice protocols s. Maintaining accurate patient records on Systmone t. Ensuring samples are sent to the laboratory in a timely manner u. Maintaining an effective liaison with the laboratory staff v. Working collaboratively with the nursing team, seeking guidance when necessary for patient related matters w. Removal of sutures and staples x. Carry out urinalysis and pregnancy testing y. Assist with Doppler investigations and taking stocking measurements