A dynamic and bubbly Nanny is required for this active country family, residing in a quiet village near Baddesley Clinton. The children, two boys, aged 2 and 5, are active and sporty, attending school in Warwick. Before school, help with the morning routine is essential, to get the boys dressed, fed and ready for school. After school drop off, proactivity is essential, to keep all household spaces tidy and organised, as well as managing household tasks and family administration. Household tasks may include laundry, ironing, food shopping, meal planning, meal preparation and school calendar management. The boys evening routine will consist of plenty of playtime, followed by dinner before Mum and Dad take over for bath time.
Mum and Dad take a very hands on, active approach, encouraging independence and involvement in all activities where possible for the boys. They would like their Nanny to be able to maintain their routine for the boys, whilst providing a safe and nurturing environment. As a family, they enjoy spending lots of time outdoors, going for country walks, trips to the playground, or going swimming, so the ideal candidate would enjoy an active lifestyle, to keep up with these adventurous boys.