To act in the scrub role, circulating role, anaesthetic or PACU role on a daily basis within your scope of practice. Prepare an operating theatre/anaesthetic room for surgery in relation toinstrumentation, equipment and supplies required for specific operative procedures,ensuring waste is kept to a minimum. In the case of anaesthetics ensure allnecessary and emergency equipment is available and in working order. Responsible for maintaining a clean, safe working environment after use and between theatre cases, ensuring safe disposal of all clinical and other waste in accordance with policies. Record the patients theatre episode of care in the Electronic Patients Record (EPR) and Bluespier record in a timely and accurate manner. Act as a preceptor / mentor for student ODPs, student nurses, trainee associatenurses, and HCAs, where appropriate within your area of expertise. To work as a team member without being under supervision and supervise andmentor junior staff to run an operating list. To ensure that high standards of nursing care are given and maintained. And report to team leader when standards are not being maintained. Maintain appropriate stock levels. Be aware of the need for economy when monitoring stock. To participate in the assessing, planning, implementation and evaluation of individualised programmes of care. To recognise changes in patients conditions which require the intervention of others and refer on as appropriate. Act as a Link Practitioner within a defined specialty / interest area. Assist with the transfer of patients within department including the positioning of patients using correct procedures in accordance with local manual handling protocols.