If you are currently seeking a technical role within Pensions or seeking assistance with a current vacancy we are awaiting your call Just an informal chat at this stage is all we need to assess whether we can assist. Lisa Tremlett & Juliette Lister have over thirty years recruitment experience to the Pensions profession. Profile provides expert assistance in the recruitment of experienced personnel to Third Party Pensions Companies, In-house and IFA's. Typical roles include DB/DC Pensions Administration, Implementation, Pensions Data Analysts, GMP teams, Sipp/SSAS, Actuarial and Pensions Management. Over the years many of our candidates are organically grown through our names and reputation within the market place. We have an excellent rapport with a number of our candidates and clients through placing them many times within their careers which is demonstrated by our outstanding relationships with our key clients and applicants. Please contact Juliette Lister or Lisa Tremlett to discuss further.