Roles & responsibilities Undertake the clinical duties associated with the care of patients, including outpatient clinics, home visits and multidisciplinary case discussions. To record clinical activity accurately and comprehensively and submit this promptly to the Information Department. To manage, appraise and give professional supervision to junior medical staff as agreed by consultant colleagues and the medical director and in accordance with the Trusts personnel policies and procedures. This may include assessing competences under the Modernising Medical Careers framework. To ensure that junior medical staff working with the post holder operate within the parameters of the New Deal and are Working Time Directive compliant. To undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of patients. To participate in service and business planning activity for the locality and, as appropriate, for the whole mental health service. To participate in annual appraisal for consultants. To attend and participate in the academic programme of the Trust and the team including lectures and seminars as part of the internal CPD programme. To maintain professional registration with the General Medical Council, Mental Health Act Section 12(2) approval, and to abide by professional codes of conduct. To participate annually in a job plan review with the clinical manager, which will include consultation with a relevant manager to ensure that the post is developed to consider changes in service configuration and delivery associated with modernisation.