Various Locations in Orkney
Relief School Crossing Patrol Officer
Hours are offered on an as and when required basis
£13.21 per hour (including Distant Islands Allowance)
We are looking for punctual, trustworthy, and honest individuals who have a genuine interest in children's safety to join our supply lists.
School Crossing Patrol Officers are employed to help children cross busy roads on their journeys to and from school. The normal working week is restricted to opening and closing times of schools.
No formal qualifications are necessary. All uniform and equipment will be supplied.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children.
Prospective applicants are invited to discuss the post by contacting Heather Manson, Senior Administrative Officer, by telephone on 01856 873535 extension 2422, or by email:
The recruitment for this post is ongoing.
Please note that interview expenses are not payable for this post.