EYFS Primary Teacher - Harrow Primary School
An excellent primary school with a creative curriculum are searching for a EYFS Primary Teacher to join in September 2025 on a permanent basis. This is a large, three form entry school with excellent, proven career progression available. Every single member of the SLT has worked there way up internally for promotion, including the established Head who has taken the school through two Outstanding Ofsted's, including the most recent 2023 inspection.
Here's some key highlights of the school:
'Outstanding' Ofsted in 2023
Three form entry primary school
High-attaining school with excellent behaviour
Plenty of learning through play & continuous provision
Supportive SLT and Middle Leadership structure in place
Assistant Head's and Phase Leaders provide support to teachers, plus every single subject has a dedicated subject lead who gets out of class time to provide further support.
CPD - They have a personalised programme in school which is more focused around developing your own teaching style and deepening subject knowledge.
Strong SLT in place; HT since 2014, DHT since 2016 and x2 AHT's since 2017/2019
Excellent Specialist Teachers in Art, Music and PE
Very supportive parents and community. Not that many disadvantaged children compared to other areas of London.
Support staff in place, around one per class for SEN/Additional Needs primarily
Great for wellbeing & workload - they changed their ...