Applications are invited from suitably-experienced senior Social Workers, Mental Health or Paediatric Nurses with extensive Crisis Management and Multi-Agency working experience to join the Children in Need Integrated Service in a newly-created role asMDT Crisis Response & Complex Needs Coordinator on the beautifulIsland of Guernsey, in the Channel Islands.
This role is critical in coordinating and managing crisis situations effectively and ensuringindividuals and families are supported in navigating their challenges, in addition to workingalongside associated professionals to coordinate proportionate resources and support andwherever possible and where safe to do so, prevent children and young people coming into care.
Reporting to the Team Manager you will;
work alongside C&FCS Senior & Team managers to plan and coordinate as a priority, crisis response meetings and coordinate multi-agency services to support children & young people (CYP) aged 0-18 years who present with higher level complex needs, acute medical needs at L3 / L4 on the Continuum of Need threshold and / or Children on the Edge of Care and at risk of family breakdown.
beintegral to the multi-agencyteams effort to reduce risks, safeguard children & young people, improve outcomes andprovide timely support for those with the highest level of need.