Job summary
An exciting vacancy has arisen at The BeechesMedical Practice Shrewsbury, we are looking for a part time Advanced Nurse Practitionerto join our friendly team working a minimum of 18 hours per week.
Main duties of the job
TheAdvanced Nurse Practitioner(ANP) has been assessed as competent inpractice using their expert clinical knowledge and skills. They have thefreedom and authority to act and make autonomous decisions in the assessment,diagnosis and treatment of patients.
TheANP provides an opportunity for patients to avoid the need to be referred to aGP, thereby enabling them to receive timely care and negate unnecessary delayin receiving treatment.
ANPsin primary care can develop close, long-term relationships with their patientsand work in partnership with them to achieve optimum health. They areautonomous in making decisions based on assessment, diagnosis andinterpretation of test results. They can independently prescribe appropriatemedication, evaluate or refer to other specialists if necessary.
About us
Overview ofyour organisation
The Beeches Medical Practice is a friendly 4Partner Practice. We are situated on the south side of Shrewsbury providingmedical care for approximately 7,000 people. The practice covers a wide areafrom Bayston Hill to Leebotwood in the north - south direction and ActonBurnell to Pulverbatch in the east - west direction.
We have two surgeries, Bayston Hill and Dorrington.Dorrington being our dispensing surgery.
We are an efficient and friendly team of 4 GPpartners, 2 ANPs, 4 PN, and a HCA/Phlebotomist, a Practice Manager, Operations Manager, Dispensary Manager, Care Coordinator, and a team of 11Medical administrators, Dispensers and Receptionists.
We are a training practice, and clinicians andstaff are very involved in ensuring the trainees gain full experience of allaspects of life in general practice. We look after Medical Students from KeeleUniversity and GP Registrars for various timescales.
We use EMIS Web clinical system along with Docmanand Teamnet
Job description
Job responsibilities
Thefollowing are the core responsibilities of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner.There may be, on occasion, a requirement to carry out other tasks; this will bedependent upon factors such as workload and staffing levels:
Develop, implement and embed healthpromotion and wellbeing programmes
Manage patients presenting with a rangeof acute and chronic medical conditions, providing subject matter expert advice
Implement and evaluate individualspecialised treatment plans for chronic disease patients
Identify, manage and support patients atrisk of developing long-term conditions, preventing adverse effects to thepatients health
Provide advanced, specialist nursingcare to patients as required in accordance with clinical based evidence, NICEand the NSF
Provide specialist clinics such as contraception, etc.
Request pathology services as necessary
Process and interpret pathology andother test results as required
Deliver patientcare as necessary, referring patients to secondary/specialist care as required
Maintain accurate clinical records inconjunction with extant legislation
Ensure SNOMED CT codes are usedeffectively
Maintain chronic disease registers
Develop, implement and embed aneffective call/recall system
Be responsible for the implementation ofan effective immunisation programme
Chaperone patients where necessary
Prioritise health issues and interveneappropriately
Support the team in dealing withclinical emergencies
Recognise, assess and refer patientspresenting with mental health needs
Implement vaccination programmes foradults and children
Be an extended and supplementaryprescriber, adhering to extant guidance
Support patients in the use of theirprescribed medicines or over the counter medicines (within own scope ofpractice), reviewing annually as required
Contribute to practice targets (QOF,etc.), complying with local and regional guidance
Liaise with external services/agenciesto ensure the patient is supported appropriately (vulnerable patients, etc.)
Delegate clinical responsibilitiesappropriately (ensuring safe practice and that the task is within the scope ofpractice of the individual)
Support the clinical team with allsafeguarding matters in accordance with local and national policies
Understand practice and local policiesfor substance abuse and addictive behaviour, referring patients appropriately
Deliver opportunistic health promotionwhere appropriate
Person Specification
1. a. Registered Nurse with Nursing and Midwifery Council
2. b. Post graduate diploma or degree for Advanced Practice Qualification up to December 2020.
3. c. Qualified Independent Nurse Prescriber on the NMC register.
4. d. Meets NMC revalidation requirements in accordance with the NMC Revalidation booklet.
5. e. Meets the standards for registered ANP working at advanced level.
6. f. Qualified triage nurse.
7. g. Minor illness qualification.
8. Teaching qualification
9. ALS and PALS
10. Experience of practice within the four pillars
11. Job plan that demonstrates advanced nursing practice and has equity with peers working at this level
12. Experience of prescribing and undertaking medication reviews
13. Experience of working as a practice nurse or community nurse
14. Experience of working in a primary care environment