The College is seeking to employ a well-qualified, enthusiastic and motivational teacher to contribute to the leadership and management of Religious Studies. The successful candidate will have the capacity to bring innovative ideas to the classroom and show a strong record of raising student attainment through their teaching.
Wimbledon College is a popular and oversubscribed school which prides itself on its exam results at both GCSE and A level with results significantly above national averages. As a Jesuit school, our ethos can be summed up by St Ignatius Loyola’s vision for Jesuit schools as being “for improvement in living and learning for the greater glory of God and the common good.” Central to St Ignatius’ vision and to the College is the education of the whole person, providing each pupil with the opportunity to strive for excellence in all that they do. Religious Studies is a core subject at KS3 and KS4 and is offered at A Level in the Sixth Form.
The school is accommodated in striking Grade II listed buildings on Edge Hill, above the parish church of the Sacred Heart, on a spacious green site in a conservation area. Private and public funds have facilitated a substantial development of the facilities of the College over the last fifteen years.
The College currently has close to 1300 boys on roll including 270 in the Sixth Form. It is a great place to work with a supportive, committed staff who share the school’s high expectations. All teachers are specialists in their subjects and there is a well-established CPD programme which encourages staff to work collaboratively on self-identified areas of research and pedagogy.
Wimbledon College has a strong system of pastoral care and discipline. All teachers are form tutors and work with Heads of Line in ensuring every boy is supported, cared for and challenged to progress academically and become involved in the wider life of the school. The school’s intake is truly comprehensive academically, socially and economically and ethnically. It draws from across southwest London and from Surrey and north of the Thames also. Last year saw boys join the College from over 40 different schools. Places in Y7 are regularly oversubscribed threefold.
We encourage all of our boys to be involved in extra-curricular clubs and activities and we offer over 80 different such opportunities to the boys. The school has a strong tradition of drama and music as well as a very extensive sports programme in the school, financially supported by parents’ donations to the School Fund.
Please refer to the Application Pack for more details about the post and the opportunities available for prospective staff.